What's the ideal review score on Google? (2024)

What's the ideal review score on Google? (1)

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing research that shows that you actually don’t want a perfect 5.0 review score on Google. Many studies have been done to show that a few bad reviews actually help you attract more customers. Check out the video for all the details!


Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays. This week, we’re back to talking about reviews. Did you know that you actually don’t want a perfect 5.0 review score?

Yep, it’s true. You don’t want a perfect score. Multiple studies have been done that show that clickthroughs and leads actually decline if you’ve got a perfect score on your Google My Business listing.

Sure, you want to strive for a high score – most consumers won’t consider doing business with you if you’ve got a score lower than 3.5. It’s also important to have a decent number of reviews. Customers aren’t going to trust your score as much if you’ve only got a handful of reviews.

So why don’t you want a perfect score? Many companies have run studies – BrightLocal, GatherUp, UberAll, and others – and they all found the same thing. Businesses with a perfect 5.0 rating ended up with fewer conversions.

They don’t all agree on the perfect range for a score – the widest range suggested is 3.7 to 4.9 – but most of the other studies suggest a much narrower range – something like 4.2 to 4.6.

If a business has a lot of reviews and a perfect 5.0 score, it’s human nature to suspect that something’s not right. We all know that no one is perfect.

As a business owner, I get it – it really sucks when you get that one star review with a really awful description of what happened. You think that review is going to scare away all of your customers and ruin your business.

In reality – as long as you’re not getting a steady stream of bad reviews, a bad review every once in a while isn’t going to hurt you – in fact, it’s going to help you.

Most people expect that a business will have some bad reviews – there are grumpy people out there, and sometimes, employees make mistakes.

Think about what you do when you shop online, or look for a local business. Do you spend your time reading all the 5 star reviews? No. You jump right to the negative reviews to see what bad experiences people had, and how the business responded to those reviews.

If potential customers can tell that you truly care about your customers and did your best to try to rectify the situation, that bad review actually becomes a positive factor in their decision process.

Now, I’m not telling you to seek out bad reviews – obviously you want good reviews from your customers. You want a high score, and you want to have more reviews than your competitors. But I am telling you not to freak out when you get a bad review. Write a thoughtful response that addresses what happens – don’t use the same generic response that most businesses use:

We’re sorry you had a bad experience. We strive to give great customer service, can you please call us as 555-867-5309 so we can discuss what happened?

That won’t help – and if you use the same response, or something similar, for every bad review, it makes it look like you don’t care.

Your response to that bad review isn’t actually for the person who left the review. You should do your due diligence and contact them to try to turn the situation around. Your review response is actually for every potential customer in the future who sees that bad review. You need to show that you care – and even admit fault if a mistake was made.

So now you know why bad reviews aren’t necessarily that bad, and that you don’t actually want a perfect 5.0 score on Google My Business.

That’s all the time we’ve got for today, so you know what that means.
Put your hand on the screen right here:
We totally just high-fived ‘cause you learned something awesome. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you again next week for another episode of Local Search Tuesdays.

What's the ideal review score on Google? (2024)


What's the ideal review score on Google? ›

What is the Ideal Google Star Rating? The perfect Google review star rating is between 4.2 and 4.5. Research by Northwestern University found that purchase likelihood increases when the average rating exceeds three. It peaks between 4.2 and 4.5 stars.

What is a good Google review score? ›

A: This varies depending on your industry and target audience, but generally 4 stars and above is considered a “good” Google rating.

Is a 4.6 Google review good? ›

A study by the Spiegel Research Center determined that ratings of 4.2 - 4.5 are the most trusted. This is a great goal to aim for, and realistic as well. Mistakes happen in every business in every industry. It's a waste of time to stress over a single negative review or an unattainable perfect rating.

Is 4.9 a good Google rating? ›

Businesses with a perfect 5.0 rating ended up with fewer conversions. They don't all agree on the perfect range for a score – the widest range suggested is 3.7 to 4.9 – but most of the other studies suggest a much narrower range – something like 4.2 to 4.6.

How many Google reviews is a good number? ›

When considering how many Google reviews to get per day, it's essential to maintain a consistent pace rather than overwhelming your customers with requests. Receiving 1 to 2 reviews per day is a reasonable target for most businesses, as it can lead to approximately 30 to 60 reviews per month.

What is a strong review score in a Google interview? ›

Interviewers will select one of these based upon their scores on the rubric and their performance in the interview. For instance, 4's across the board would be a Strong Hire. Nothing but 1's, on the other hand, would be considered Strong No Hire.

Is 3 star a bad rating? ›

On a five-star scale, regardless of the bottom rating, 3 stars is often the lowest positive rating, though judging on a purely mathematical basis, 2 1/2 stars would be the dividing line between good and bad on a 0–5 scale.

How many 5-star reviews do I need to negate a 1 star review? ›

Here's the answer you're waiting for — how many positive reviews can undermine a bad review? The secret lies in this hidden ratio that can make or break your brand's online reputation. It takes 40 positive reviews to undo the damage of one negative review.

How many 5-star reviews to cancel a 4 star? ›

It takes 19 five star reviews to cancel out the one 4 star.

How do I increase my Google rating? ›

How do I get more Google reviews?
  1. Make Sure Users Can Leave Reviews. ...
  2. Ask! ...
  3. Make it Easy to Leave a Review. ...
  4. Avoid Buying or Faking Reviews. ...
  5. Get Reviewed Elsewhere. ...
  6. Address Negative Reviews Quickly and Personally. ...
  7. Use QR Codes to Link to Review Pages. ...
  8. Encourage Public Testimonials.
Oct 30, 2023

How is Google review score calculated? ›

Google reviews are calculated by taking the sum of all individual ratings and dividing it by the total number of ratings. This formula determines the overall rating for a business.

Is 50 reviews on Google good? ›

The number of Google reviews you need depends on several factors, including your business's location, type, and size. Local businesses with more than 10 locations or in competitive markets need more reviews to rank well in search results. For most businesses, we recommend aiming for at least 50 Google reviews.

How do I get 100% Google reviews? ›

How to Get More Reviews
  1. Ensure that all of your review sites are set up. This is a no-brainer. ...
  2. Provide directions. ...
  3. Create a direct link. ...
  4. Put a review request in a leave-behind. ...
  5. Add a review request into your email signature. ...
  6. Ask every customer. ...
  7. Ask via SMS. ...
  8. Reach out at the right time.

Is a 4.7 star rating good? ›

A 4.7-star rating is excellent! It's one of the highest ratings a business can receive. A 4.7-star rating means the business is doing a great job meeting customer expectations and providing a high-quality product or service.

Is a 4.5 rating good? ›

What is the Best Star Rating? A 4.5-Star Rating is Just Right. According to online reviews statistics, 70% of people use rating filters when searching for businesses. The most common filter applied is to see only companies with 4-star ratings and higher.

How many 5-star reviews does it take to offset a 1 star review? ›

Assuming that only one of every 10 happy customers leaves a positive five-star review, and knowing that it takes four five-star reviews to make up for each one-star review, you can figure it takes 40 positive customer experiences to make up for a single bad review.

Is a 3.9 rating good? ›

A 3.9 GPA stands for a Grade Point Average of 3.9 on a 4.0 scale. It indicates that you've earned a predominantly A average in your courses. A 3.9 GPA is considered a very good GPA and is an indicator of strong academic performance.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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