[PDF] Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Free Download PDF (2024)

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990 ^EZ

S hort Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax 0,

B Check if applicable


label a Dunwoo

Name diange ® ❑ InrU rehnn

print or type

❑ Amended retun

P. 0. Box 88664 sPectric city or town , state or country, and insbuc' Atlanta , Georg ia 30356-8664 tia,s.

• •


C Name of organization

D Employer identification number

Woman 's Club , Inc.

E Telephone number

( 770)


ZIP + 4

G Accounting method:

a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E27.

Other (s

❑ 4947(a)( 1 ) or

0 Cash ❑ Accrual

) ^


H is

Website: Do- www.dunwootlywomansclub . org t insert no.)


F Group Exemption Number . . ^

• Section 501 (c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must attach




Number and street (or P.O. box, if mail is not delivered to street address Room/sude

J Organization type (check only one) - ® 501 c


• -

, 2007 , and ending

❑ Address


• • -

end of the year may use this form. The o ganization may have to use a copy of this return to sabsly state reporting regwrements

A For the 2007 calendar year. or tax year beginning

❑ Application pending


Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) ^ Sponsoring organizations, and controlling organizations as defined in section 512(b)(13) must file Form 990 All other organizations with gross receipts less than $ 100,000 and total assets less than $250,000 at the

Department of the r mt^w Re anuB Seri

❑ Term,,,ation

OMB No. 1545-1150

re if the organization

is not required to attach Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF).

❑ 527

if the organization is not a section 509(a)(3) supporting organization and its gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. A return is K Check not required, but If the organization chooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return.

L Add lines 5b, 6b, and 7b, to fine 9 to detemune gross receipts; if $100,000 or more, file Form 990 instead of Form 990-EZ . ^ $ 40575.17 Revenue Expenses . and Chan ges in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See a e 55 of the instructions. 7445.00 1 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received

PC C3 "a

2 3

Program service revenue including govemmenif Membership dues and assessm f 6"ZB DB



Investment income


5a Gross amount from sale of assets other than inventory .



2 3






b Less: cost orr other basis and sales exp s np^ . . . . . 5b c Gain or oss from sale of assets oth o,U ct line 5b from line 5a ( attach schedule ) . 6 Special events and activities (attach schedule). If any amount is from gaming , check here ^ ❑



f\s °o ^^

a Gross revenue (not including $

0' Nm + -^ Z


6a 6b from line 6a 7a

32433.10 2892.34 .


c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory. Subtract line 7b from line 7a 8 Other revenue (describe ^ Excess funds collected from members for social outings/receptions/parl ) 9 Total revenue . Add lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5c, 6c, 7c, and 8 . . ^

7c 8 9















Grants and similar amounts paid (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . Benefits paid to or for members . Salaries, other compensation, and employee benefits . . . . . . . . . Professional fees and other payments to independent contractors . . . . . Occupancy, rent, utilities, and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing, publications, postage, and shipping . . . Other expenses (describe ^ Convention expenses , postage, memberships , corporate Total expenses. Add lines 10 throug h 16


Excess or (deficit) for the year. Subtract line 17 from line 9 .








10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17





V- RA^ L""-

;^ ^ {^ . . [ reported on line 1) . . b Less: direct expenses other than '"i'ndraising expenses . . . c Net income or (loss) from special events-and-activities. Subtract line 6b 7a Gross sales of inventory; less returns and allowances . . . . .

b Less: cost of goods sold



^S^ c^r'¢^r .




. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .


license , web . ^

309.50 37682.83 36012.82

10 11 12 13 14 15

651.67 4896.91 41561.40 -3878.57

_L6_ 17 18

Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 27, column (A)) (must agree with 31285.15 19 20 . , . . . 18 through 20 . . . . . ^ 27406.58 21 5 column (B) are $250,000 or more, file Form 990 instead of Form 990-EZ.

end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) .


Other changes in net assets or fund balances attach explanation)


Net assets or fund balances ate

a MW Balance Sheets- If Total asse on ine (See page 60 of the in ti 22

Cash, savings, and investments


Land and buildings .







^.11.O T. 0. 8 . . RI.



















W) Beginning of year










24 Other assets (describe ^ 25 Total assets . . . . . . . 26 Total liabilities (describe ^ 27 Net assets or fund balances ine 27 of column (B) must agree with line 21 ) For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.

(B) End of year

31285 . 15 22



. ) )

24 31285 . 15 25 1 26 , 31285.14 27 Cat No. 106421 Form

27406.58 27406.58 EZ pow)


Form 990-EZ (2007)

Page 2

Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See page 60 of the instructions.)

Expenses (Required for 501(c)(3) and (4) or anizations and 4947(a))(1) trusts; optional for others.)

What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? Philanthropy (local, state,natl & Intl and service to local coma Describe what was achieved in carrying out the organization's exempt purposes. In a clear and concise manner, describe the services provided, the number of persons benefited, or other relevant information for each program title. 28 Home Life--Donations to 20 organizations to held community includinj children with cancer and diabetes, cancer _eatie ,unwed mothers, medicallf fragile children ,_ hurricane victims, nursing home residents .- Hands on ---------------------assistance in.providin^ furnishings , clothirt^ for needy --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------904.94 ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 904.94 ^ ❑ 28a1 (Grants $ 14 organizations _ including Donation to college scholarships, elementary _Education adult literacy, school programs 29 and camps for learning disabled students, support of Head Start through programs and book and materials ------------donatiotts , book donations to county charter school , local p ublic library and homeless teens - -------- - ----- - -------------------------------- --ess --------------------------632.50 ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 638.50 (Grants $ ^ ❑ 29a1 30 International - Donations to 14 organizations for intemationalphilanthropv as well_ as wj?port of interantionai ------family _-___-_ - in the -local -area . - Assistance - for -immigrant - students ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------335.96 If this amount includes foreig n g rants , check here 369.69 Grants $ ^ ❑ 30a 31 Other program services (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604.48 (Grants $ 506.00 ) If this amount includes foreig n g rants, check here ^ ❑ 31a 32 Total program service expenses. Add lines 28a through 31 a 2517.61 . ^ 32 List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated. See page 61 of the instructions.) (A) Name and address

(B) Title and average hours per week devoted to position

Donna -Knowlton ---------------------------------------------President - 15 hours 1700 Brandon Hall Drive Atlanta , GA 30350 Donna B. Fullilove --------------------------------------------------------------Treasurer - 8 hours 4975 Vernon Springs Drive Dunwoo , GA 30338 -

(C) Compensation (tf not paid , enter -0-.)

(0) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation

(E) Expense account and other allowances


Other Information (Note the statement req uirement in General Instruction V.) 33 34 35 a b 36 37a b 38a b 39 a b

Yes No

Did the organization make a change in its activities or methods of conducting activities? If "Yes," attach a detailed statement of each change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Were any changes made to the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 If the organization had income from business activities, such as those reported on lines 2, 6, and 7 (among others), but not reported on Form 990-T, attach a statement explaining your reason for not reporting the income on Form 990-T. Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more or 6033(e) notice, reporting, and proxy tax requirements? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35b If "Yes , " has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes," attach a 36 statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Enter amount of political expenditures, direct or indirect, as described in the instructions. ^ 37a 37b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did the organization borrow from, or make any loans to, any officer, director, trustee, or key employee or were any such loans made in a prior year and still unpaid at the start of the period covered by this return? . . . If "Yes," attach the schedule specified in the line 38 instructions and enter the amount involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38b 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter: 39a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 9 . . . . . . . . . . Gross recei pts, included on line 9, for public use of club facilities . 39b

✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Form 990-EZ (2007)

Form 990 -EZ (2007)

Page 3

Other Information (Note the statement requirement in General Instruction V.) (Continued) 40a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: ; section 4912 ^ section 4911 ^ ; section 4955 ^ b 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach an explanation . .

Yes No 40b

c Enter amount of tax imposed on organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ d Enter amount of tax on line 40c reimbursed by the organization . . . . . . . . ^ e All organizations. At any time during the tax year, was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter 40e i/ transaction? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 List the states with which a copy of this return is filed . ^ Georgia Fullilove, Treasurer ---------------------------------42a The books are in care of ^ Telephone no. ^ (-n0_)--- -- 39470435 anzsr^easn ^^^ . 4975 Vemon Springs Drive Dunwoody, GA__-_____ ^ Located at ----------------At any time during the calendar year, did the organization over a financial account in a foreign country (such as a t account)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country: ^ See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements At any time during the calendar year, did the organization If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country: ^ Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or a

Form 990-EZ (2007)

Form 990EZ Part I Line 6 Special Events

Gross Receipts Less: Contributions Gross Revenue Less. Direct Expenses Net Income (Loss)

Home Tour $ 23,329.00 $ (650.00) $ 22,679.00 $ (2,096.34) $ 20, 582.66

Soldiers Cooling Luncheon Scarves Fashion Show (Soldiers' Card Party Angels) All Other $ 4,106.10 $ 3,147.00 $ 2,521.00 $ (20.00) $ 4,086.10 $ 3,147 .00 $ 2,521.00 $ (796.00) 3,290.10 $ 3,147. 00 $ 2,521.00 $

$ 33,103.10 $ (670.00) $ 32,433.10 $ (2,892.34) $ 29,540.76 Line 6 Form 990EZ

Form 990EZ Part I Line 10 Donations


Organization Name


Art For All Gallery -VSA Arts Of GA Beacon of Hope

57 Forsyth Street, N W Atlanta, GA 30303


475 Boulevard, N E Atlatna, GA 30308 P 0 Box 479 Hanson, MA 02341-0479 North DeKalb Cultural Center 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody GA 30338

$10000 $5000 $5000

5345 Roberts Or, Dunwoody, GA 30338 North DeKalb Cultural Center 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd , Dunwoody GA 30338 6165 Song Breeze Trace, Duluth, GA 30097

$10000 $400 00 $15000

Path Academy Stage Door Players Stage Door Players Tallulah Falls School - Art Supplies Very Special Arts

3007 Hermance Dr , N E Atlanta, GA 30319 North DeKalb Cultural Center 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd , Dunwoody GA 30338 North DeKalb Cultural Center 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd , Dunwoody GA 30338

$300 00 $600 00 $10000

P 0 Box 10 Tallulah Falls, GA 30573


57 Forsyth St, N W Healey Bldg Ste R-1, Atlatna, GA 30303


Youth Art Connection

63 Auburn Ave, N E Atlanta, GA 30303


Council for Art Education DeKalb County Library - Dunwoody Library (for Art Book) Dunwoody Nature Center

Spruill Center for the Arts - Gerry Spruill Fund Ludwig Symphony Orchestra



Atlanta Audubon Society Big Trees Forest Preserve DeKalb Extension Service Dunwoody Nature Center Environmental Education Alliance of GA

Georgia Wildlife Federation Kids In Kindness National Arbor Day Foundation National Audubon Society PAWS Safe America Foundation State Botanical Garden of GA Supplies for Xmas Wreaths for Shelters Zoo Atlanta - Adopt an Animal Total EDUCATION

DeKalb County Library Dunwoody Branch - Books for Babies Chestnut Elementary School - LD tapes & Games Children's Restoration Network Core wood Elem - LD Books DeKalb County Library - Dunwoody Branch Summer Reading Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta - Family Literacy Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta Fbo - Book Friends of the Library-DeKalb Count Library-Dunwoody Branch Interfaith Outreach Home Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta Montgomery Elementary School-Holiday Camp-2 LD students Montgomery Elementary School YMCA Camp-2 LD students PALS - Perimeter Adult Learning

Path Academy - Library Books PCA Head Start -FBO- Purchase books, crafts, library supplies Pro Literacy of America Conference

Stand Up For Kids Vandertyn Elementary & TFSchool - FBO Puchase supplies Total

Pymts 111-12131-07

$2,600 00

P 0 Box 29189 Atlanta, GA 30359

7645 4380 5345 P 0

Roswell Rd Sandy Springs, GA 30350 Memorial Dr, Ste 200 Decatur, GA 30032 Roberts Dr, Dunwoody GA 30338 Box 288 Mansfield, GA 30055

11600 Hazelbrand Rd Covington, GA 30014

87 Norwich Essex Turnpike Haddam, CT 08423 100 Arbor Ave Nebraska City, NE 68410 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003 5287 Covington Hwy Decatur, GA 30032 2480 Sandy Plains Rd , Marietta, GA 30068 2450 S Milledge Ave Athens, GA 30805

Dunwoody Woman's Club P 0 Box 88684 Dunwoody, GA 30358-8864 800 Cherokee Ave, S. E. Atlanta, GA


$25 00 $5000 $900 00 $10000 $6500

$10000 $4000 $3000 $200 00 $5000 $25 00

$55 00 NQM $1,755 00

5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338 4576 North Peachtree Rd , Dunwoody, Ga 30338 11285 Elkins Rd, Suite E-1, Roswell, GA 30078 2477 Coralwood, Decatur, GA 30033 5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338

$150 00 $12500 $20000 $100 00 $7500

246 Sycamore St. , Ste 110, Decatur, GA 30030 248 Sycamore St , Ste 110, Decatur, GA 30030

$10000 $1750

5339 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338 P 0 Box 48075, Doraville, GA 30362-1075

$5000 $10000

246 Sycamore St , Ste 110, Decatur, GA 30030


248 Sycamore St , Ste 110, Decatur, GA 30030 3995 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30319 3995 Ashford Dunwoody Rd , Atlanta, GA 30319 1548 Mount Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338

$10000 $25000 $200 00 $10000

3007 Hermance Dr, N E Atlanta, GA 30319 3549 Lawrenceville Highway, Tucker, GA 30084

$35000 $250 00

248 Sycamore St , Ste 110, Decatur, GA 30030 P 0 Box 89018, Atlanta, GA 30312

$40000 $10000

1877 Vandertyn Drive Dunwoody, GA 30338, P 0 Box 10, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573

$ 1500

$2,782 50



American Diabetes- Camp scholarship Angel Flight

17 Executive Park Dr, N E Ste 115, Atlanta, GA 30329 2000 Airport Road, Ste 227, Atlanta, GA 30341 1850 Clairmaont Road, Decatur, Gta 30033

$20000 $5000 $40000

3160 Francis Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004 1130 Hightower Trail, Sandy Springs, GA 30352 1130 Hightower Trail, Sandy Springs, GA 30352

$20000 $80 00 $20000

P 0 Box 533 Lilbum, GA 30048-0533

$875 00

Easter Seals - Southern Georgia 1906 Palmyra Road, Albany, GA 31701-1598


2167 Northlake Parkway, St 103, Tucker, GA 30084 2325 Pampertn Rd , Ste 3, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54313 5200-A Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA 30340 5200-A Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA 30340

$100 00 $10000 $20000 $250 00

5200-A Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA 30340 1955 Cliff Valley Way, Ste 102, Atlanta, GA 30329

$149 19 $10000

Relay for Life of American Cancer Society - expenses fbo Ronald McDonald House

348 Mt. Vernon Highway, N E Atlanta, GA 30328-4139 727 Juniper Street, N E Atlanta, GA 30308 P 0 Box 472 Raleigh, MS 39153 Dunwoody Woman's Club, P 0 Box 88664, Dunwoody, GA 30356-8664 South Atlantic Division, Atlanta Regional Office P 0 Box 56566 Atlanta, GA 30343 Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Chanties 792 Houston Mill Rd Atlanta, GA 30329

$50000 $5800 $200 00 36 75 $31.00 $950 00

Salvation Army Project Share Second Chance Homes

GCAPP 100 Auburn Ave, Ste 200 Atlanta, GA 30303

Camp Sunshine Canine Assistants Community Action Center - 8 Kroger gift cart ®$10 fbo families Community Action Center - Camp scholarship Dream House for Medically Fragile Children Easter Seals (Megan's House) HEAT, Inc Heavenly Hats Interfaith Outreach Home Interfaith Outreach Home Interfaith Outreach Home furnishings & bedding Lekotek of Georgia, Inc Link Counseling Center Lutheran Towers - Chairs & Pictures Mississippi Federation of Women's Clubs -Habitat for Humanity Nursing Home Residents - Xmas bells and ribbons

1000 Center Place, Norcross, GA 30093-1725


INTERNATIONAL AMIS. Inc - Atlanta Ministry with International Students CARE Christian Children's Fund Friendship Force - Scholarship Global Health - Haitian Goat Heifer International Mustard Seed Communities Operation Smile

Publbc Gift Certificate for groceries for Immigrant Cuban family Samaritan's Purse - Items for Xmas Boxes Samaritan's Purse - Mailing Xmas Boxes UNICEF $100 per member UNIFEM - Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Villa International

1734 Society Brook Run Park Veterans Memorial DeKalb Rape Crisis Center Dunwoody Preservation Trust - Donaldson-Chestnut Farm Dunwoody Preservation Trust Friends of Sandy Springs - Pet Rescue Masks Georgia Center for Children - emergency relief closet National Museum of Patriotism Prevent Child Abuse, GA Safe Kids of GA - Booster Seats, helm Women's History Resource Center Women's Resource Center- Marta Passes Women's Resource Center Food Gifts




$10000 $4,979 94

3434 Roswell Road, N W Atlanta, GA 30305-1202 Gift Center P 0 Box 1870 Merrifield, VA 22116-9848 P 0 Box 26507, Richmond, VA 23261-6507 P 0 Box 13151, Atlanta, GA 30324-0151

$20000 $826.00 $50000 $50000

P 0 Box! 15086 Atlanta, GA 30333


P 0 Box 1692 Merrifield, VA 22116-9861 29 Janes Avenue, Medfield, MA 02052 6435 TIdewater Drive, Norfolk, GA 23509 Joel Jimenez 4920 Winters Chapel Road Alp H7 Atlanta, GA 30360 P. 0 Box 3000 Boone, N C 28607 P 0 Box 3000 Boone, N C 28607 1447 Peachtree St, N E Atlanta, GA 30303 304 East 45th St, New York, NY 10017 1749 Clifton Road, N E , Atlanta, GA 30329-4019





GFWC 1734 N Street, N W Washington, DC 20038

$40000 $41376 $41376 $300.00 $3598 $21404 $12600 $29777 $200.00 $4,877 29


DeKalb Veterans Coordinating Council 1875 Withmere Way, Dunwoody, GA 30338 204 Church St, Decatur, GA 30030 P 0 Box 88515, Dunwoody, GA 30356 P 0 Box 888658, Dunwoody, GA 30356.8515 7840 Roswell Rd , Bldg 500, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 818 Pollard Blvd, Ste 301, Atlanta, GA 30315 1405 Spring Street, Atlanta, GA 30309

$100 00 $225 00 $200 00 $10000 $11000 $30000 $225 00

1720 Peachtree St , N W Ste 600. Atlanta, GA 30309 445 Winn Way, Box 987, Decatur, GA 30031

$25000 $200 00

GFWC-WHRC, 1734 N St. N W, Washington, DC 20036 P 0 Box 171 Decatur, GA 30031 P 0 Box 171 Decatur, GA 30031

$2500 $30000 0000 $2,352 34



GaFWC for Tallulah FallsSchool - Chemistry and Biology Lab Tallulah FallsSchool DWC Perpetual Scholarship Tallulah FallsSchool Memorial Gifts Tallulah FallsSchool Scholarship Fund GaFWC for Tallulah FallsSchool Student Christmas Gifts (5) Tallulah FallsSchool Student Spending Fund Tallulah FalisSchool Student Uniforms Tallulah Falls School Operational Fund Tallulah Falls Student Graduation Gift -FBO Tallulah FallsSchool Students Gifts & Cards- FBO

Tallulah FalisSchool Students Halloween Bags & Cards - FBO Total

GaFWC P 0 P 0 Box 10, P 0 Box 10 , P 0 Box 10 , GaFWC P 0 P 0 Box 10, P 0 Box 10 , P 0 Box 10 , P 0 Box 10 , P 0 Box 10 , P 0 Box 10,

Box 39, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Box 39, Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573 Tallulah Falls , GA 30573

$10000 $

Voluntary Contnb State Pro]

$550 00 2000 $15000

$125 00

Required Contribution

$50 00

$50 00 $386 75 $40 00


$5903 $5197 1,58275


3,147 00

C/o Amelia Ward 11475 Reegley Hill Dr., Redding , CA 98003



DeKalb County Extension Service, 4380 Memorial Dr, Decatur, GA 30032 P 0 Box 888658 Dunwoody, GA 30356-8515

$ $

60000 1,00000

Required Contrib $3 25/member

Projects Soldiers' Angels - Cooling Scarves for Soldiers Rotary Club of Redding California - Prosthetic Hands for Land Mine Victims Community Improvement Project Dekalb Master Gardeners Dunwoody Preservation Trust

1792 E Washington Blvd, Pasadena , CA 91104

Scholarships Scholarship for High School Seniors Tufts University FBO Rebecca Edelston Trinity University - FBO Caitlin Troyer Duke Universityh - FBO Kaltlin Daniels HOBYF - Hugh 0-Brien Youth Foundation - tuition 3 students Christopher O'Connell ( North Springs High School) Katherine Penland ( Chamblee High School) Trevor Scales (Dunwoody High School) Second Wind Scholarships - older students returning to college Georgia Perimeter College FBO Christie Wheeler

Georgia Perimeter College FBO Karen Vaughan Georgia Perimeter College Bookstore Carl - Chrisie Wheeler Georgia Perimeter College Bookstore Cert - Karen Vaughan

7385 Compton Court North, Sandy Springs,GA 1274 Redfield Ridge , Atlanta, GA 30338 4821 Buckline Circle, Dunwoody, GA 30338

1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00

None None None

49500 855 Garden Path, Roswell , GA 30075 2811 Cravey Trail, Atlanta, GA 30345 783 Malvern Blvd, Stone Mountain , GA 30087 11030 Edmont Dr, Alpharetta, GA 30022 3475 Oak Valley Rd, #1930, Atlanta, GA 30326 11030 Edmont Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30022 3475 Oak Valley Rd, #1930, Atlanta, GA 30328

800 00 800 00 100 00 100 00

None None None None

1031 Huntcii f Village Court Atlanta, GA 30350 335 Wigton Drive Alpharetta, GA 30004 GaFWC P 0. Box 39, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573 GaFWC P 0 Box 39, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573

100 00 10000 10 00 5000

None None Required Contribution Required Contribution $10

Awards Esther Cowley All Award Deanna Denham Wyatt Banks GaFWCStudent Art Fund Ga FWC Ella F White Endowment Fund

Total Amounts Donated

Required Dues Payments to State and National Federations of Women ' s Clubs Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs - 4th District Total to Line 10 Form 990EZ

$33,632 82

P 0 Box 39 Tallulah Falls, GA 30573 Annette Slaughter, Treasurer, 476 Johnson Dr, Stone Mountain, GA 30087

$ $

2,261 00 11900 $36,01282

Dues 119 members (B$19 Dues 119 members @$1

Expense Summaries Included in Part I, Line 18

Memberships Organization Name



National Museum for Women In the Arts

1250 New York Ave, N W Washington, D C. 20005-3970

$60 00


American Forests Atlanta Audubon Society Cornell Lab of Ornithology Georgia Native Plant Society Georgia Perimeter Ctr S Native plants Georgia Wildlife Federation

P 0 Box 2000 Washington, D C 20013 P 0 Box 29189 Atlanta, GA 30359 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 P 0 Box 422085 Atlanta, GA 30342-2085 Georgia Perimeter College - Botanical 3251 Panthersville Rd. Decatur, GA 3003' 11600 Hazelbrand Rd Covington, GA 30014

$50 00 $35 00 $50.00 $50.00 $50 00 $35.00

Keep America Beautiful (Georgia)

60 Executive Park S, N E Atlanta Ga 30329

Keep America Beautiful DeKalb Co.

3643 Camp Circle Decatur, GA 30032

Pymts 1/1-12131-07

$25 00 $100.00

National Arbor Day Foundation

100 Arbor Ave Nebraska City, NE 68410

National Audubon Society Rails to Trails - Atlanta Area Rainforest Alliance State Botanical Garden of GA The Nature Conservancy The Trust for Public Land Upper Chattahoochee River Keepers Wilderness Society

700 Broadway New York, NY 10003 1100 17th St, N W 10th Floor Washington, D C 20038 665 Broadway Ste 500 New York, NY 10012 2450 S Milledge Ave Athens, GA 30805 4245 North Fairfax Dr Ste. 100 Arhnton, BA 22203-9888 600 West Peachtree St., Ste 1840 Atlanta, GA 30308 916 Joseph Lowry Rd Atlanta, GA 30318 1815 M Street, N W. Washington, D c 20038

Friendship Force of Atlanta - membership

P 0 Box 13151, Atlanta, GA 30324-0151



Atlanta Historical Society - Membership

Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Rd.,N. W. Atlanta, GA 30305-1386



DeKalb Co Domestic Violence Task Force - Membership DeKaib County Historical Society- Membership Dunwoody Homeowner's Association - Membership Dunwoody Preservation Trust - Membership Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Membership Trust for Historic Preservation - Membership

P 0 Box 28, Decatur, GA 30031 Old Courthouse on the Square, 101 East Court Square, Decatur, GA 30030 P. 0 Box 88515, Dunwoody, GA 30356 P 0 Box 888858, Dunwoody, GA 30356-8515 114 New Street, Ste B, Decatur, GA 30030 1785 Massachusetts Ave, N W Washington, DC 20036 Total Memberships

$10.00 $20.00 $200.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $5000 $30.00



$35.00 $35.00 $40 00 $7500 $50 00 85.00 $ 1,255.00



ID # 58-1391299

The Dunwoody Woman's Club was formed and chartered on October 11, 1971, with nineteen members and has grown to a membership of more than one hundred dedicated volunteers. The Club is a member of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs and the General Federation of Women's Clubs. The Club is non-partisan and non-sectarian and all members are encouraged to be registered voters. We are a service organization whose purpose is to join together to apply our skills and abilities as we promote interest and activity in education, philanthropy, civics, moral values and the fine arts. Our members have contributed countless volunteer hours in six departments of work - Conservation , Education , The Arts, Home Life, International Affairs and Public Affairs. Funding is provided through the annual Dunwoody Home Tour and the annual Luncheon/Fashion Show/Card Party. We are dedicated to continuing this commitment and service.

Part III, Line 31 Expenses

Other program services Arts - Donations to 13 local arts organizations including local theatre and arts education center which our organization was instrumental in founding . Educate members on arts opportunities .



Grants ( )

Conservation - Donations to 14 local, state and national conservation groups including the local nature center which our organization was instrumental in founding. Educate members on conservation. Grants ($55.00) Public Affairs - Donations to 12 local and state organizations including veterans, rape crisis, women's resource center, local historic preservations and pet rescue. Educate members in local history and public affairs. Grants ($300.00) the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs through required donations per member as well as scholarship donations and student contact with cards and gifts.

$ 55.00

$ 333.18

$ 201.00

Grants ($151.00) Total to Part III, Line 31

$ 604 48

Form 990-EZ Part V, Line 34 I certify that the by-laws for the Dunwoody Woman's Club accompanying this return are complete and accurate copies of the original by-laws updated as of November 2907.

Donna B. Fullilove Treasurer/Authorized Signer

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GFWC DUNWOODY WOMAN'S CLUB BYLAWS Revised - November, 2007 ARTICLE I - Name The name of this organization shall be the GFWC Dunwoody Woman ' s Club . It shall be a member of the Georgia Federations of Women ' s Clubs (GaFWC) and the General Federation of Women 's Clubs (GFWC) and shall pay dues accordingly. ARTICLE II - Object The object of this organization shall be to foster mutual counsel and helpfulness and to unite the influence and service of women in promoting education, civic, social, and moral advancement to our community. ARTICLE III - Membership Section 1. - Eligibility a. Any woman living in Dunwoody or adjacent areas or directly interested in this area shall be eligible for membership. b. Transferred members of the General Federation of Women's Clubs in good standing shall present a letter of transfer and shall be required to attend an orientation.

Section 2. - Classification a. b. c.



Charter Members shall be those members who joined when the Club was organized. Active Members shall be those members who pay dues according to Section 4, Dues, and who assume their total responsibilities for the Club. Associate Members 1) shall be members who pay dues according to Section IV, Dues, and assume their total responsibility of the major ways and means project of the Club. 2) may attend meetings and functions but will not have the right to hold office, make motions, or vote 3) may only be those women who have been active in the General Federation of Women's Clubs for two years or more. Inactive Members 1) shall be those members who pay dues according to Section 4, Dues, and shall remain on the inactive list. 2) may attend meetings and functions but will not have the right to hold office, make motions, or vote. 3) may only be those women who have been active in the Club for two years or more Honorary Members 1) shall be those Past Presidents who are no longer active in the Club. 2) may attend meetings and functions, but will not have the right to hold office, make motions, or vote. 3) shall not pay dues, and shall be kept informed of Club activities and invited to participate.

Section 3. - Application An applicant must have two sponsors, attend two general meetings, two department meetings, and an Orientation before her name may be presented. Application must be presented in writing to the Membership Committee for deliberation, after which it will be presented to the Executive Board for approval. An initiation fee must be presented with the membership application. Section 4. - Dues Dues shall be $50.00 per year for active members and $65.00 per year for associate members a. and $75.00 for inactive members, payable January 1, delinquent after March 1. A person applying for membership shall pay a minimum of $30.00 Initiation Fee b. GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club

Section 5. - Status Change a. b. c. d.


An application for change in classification of membership must be submitted in writing to the Membership Chairman. A request for transfer to another club shall be in writing and presented to the Membership Chairman. A member wishing to terminate her membership shall send her resignation to the Membership Chairman, who will present it to the Board Transferred Members 1) A member who is transferred out of state shall give written notice to the Membership Chairman, and she shall be granted a leave of absence, provided she is a member in good standing in the Club If she returns to the Dunwoody area, she shall have 90 days to notify the Membership Chairman in writing that she would like to be reinstated, and she will be granted full membership rights and privileges upon payment of the current year's dues. If she has been absent less than five years, an orientation will not be necessary. If she has been absent five years or longer, she shall attend an Orientation. Should a transferee from out of state or another club call for membership, 2) she shall submit a GFWC Letter of Transfer to the Membership Chairman. She shall be granted full rights and privileges of membership provided she pays the current DWC dues. If her dues were current in her previous club, she may become a visiting member, or, as a courtesy, DWC will allow her to become an active member if she covers the cost of the Club's mandatory dues to the District, State, Federation, and Tallulah Falls School. A member may be granted a leave of absence for valid personal or compelling professional reasons upon written notification to the Membership Chairman. The Chairman will petition the Board in her behalf, and if granted this leave, will notify the member in writing. The leave of absence must be for a period of more than five years; otherwise, she shall be considered an inactive member and pay dues accordingly. When a member wishes to be reinstated, she shall notify the Membership Chairman in writing, at which time she shall be granted all rights and privileges of membership upon payment of the current year's dues. If she has been absent less than five years, an orientation will not be necessary. If she has been absent five years or longer, she shall attend an Orientation.

ARTICLE IV - Officers and Elected Chairmen The elected officers and chairmen of the Club, who shall make up the Executive Committee, shall be. President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, and Ways and Means Chairman. ARTICLE V - Election of Officers and Elected Chairmen Section 1. - At the October meeting preceding the election, a nominating committee shall be elected by a majority vote. The nominating committee shall consist of five active members, all of whom shall have been a member of the Club for at least one year. The first member named to the committee shall act as chairman of this committee until its first meeting, at which time the group shall elect its permanent chairman. The members of this committee shall not succeed themselves. Section 2. - The slate shall be announced at the December meeting, the election shall be held in January, and the installation shall take place in February. If only one person is nominated for each office, the vote may be by voice, otherwise by ballot. No absentee votes shall be permitted. Section 3. - The elected officers and chairmen will be elected to serve a one year term and shall take office at the close of the annual meeting in February. No elected officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms Section 4. - Vacancies of officers or elected chairmen shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Executive Board upon the recommendation of the President. GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club

Section 5. - The offices of President and Vice President must be filled by a Club member who has served on the Executive Board for at least one year. Section 6. - All retiring officers shall transfer to their successors all records pertaining to their offices within thirty days after election. ARTICLE VI - Duties of Officers and Elected Chairmen Section 1. - The President shall preside at all Executive Board and General Club meetings. She shall appoint all department chainnen, parliamentarian, histonan, newsletter editor, and all chairmen of standing committees and other functions as necessary She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. She shall be empowered to initiate new business and new committees when approved by the Executive Board. She shall appoint an audit committee to have the books audited after the December meeting. A Past Treasurer plus one other member shall make up that committee. She shall be responsible for presenting the annual report to the membership and submitting said report to the District President. Section 2. - The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence. She shall be Program Chairman and Dean of Departments. Section 3. - The Membership Chairman's duties shall include maintaining a permanent roster of all members and a book of attendance at all general meetings, the orientation of new members, introducing guests at meetings, providing name tags for members and guests, and corresponding with members as needed She shall report the number of active members present at a general meeting. Section 4. - The Ways and Means Chairman shall present to the Board for approval a project suitable to meet the financial objectives of the Club and shall be a member of the Finance Committee. Section 5. - The Recording Secretary shall keep a permanent and accurate record of the business of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board, and shall submit a copy of these records to the President within one week of the meetings. She shall prepare ballots for all voting and maintain a record book containing the Bylaws, Standing Rules, Terms to Know, and lists of all departments and committees, both standing and special, and shall maintain a permanent book of attendance at all Board meetings. Section 6. - The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club The correspondence not requiring action shall be turned over to the Scrapbook Chairman. Section 7. - The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds of the Club, and shall, at the discretion of the Executive Board, deposit same in a bank approved by the Executive Board. She shall receive all money due the Club, giving receipts therefore, and shall make all disbursem*nts, by check, authorized by the Club or signed orders by the President The Treasurer shall give a financial statement of receipts and disbursem*nts at each Executive Board meeting and at each General Meeting She shall be the Chairman of the Finance Committee ARTICLE VII - Executive Board Section 1. - The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Committee, Parliamentarian, Department Chairmen, and other appointed chairmen. Section 2. - The Executive Board shall meet on the first Thursday morning of each month unless otherwise ordered by the President. Section 3. - The quorum for the Executive Board meetings shall be one third of the voting members. Those eligible to vote are the elected officers, one member of the six departments, Tallulah Falls School Chairman, and one chairman of each of the various committees Section 4. - The Executive Board shall make plans for the Club, and shall present its recommendations to the Club membership for approval. It shall transact routine business of the Club, subject to ratification by the membership Section 5. - The Executive Board shall approve new membership applications, as well as any changes in classification, by a majority vote. Section 6. - Special meetings may be called by the President or five members of the Executive Board, provided the Call is made in writing stating the purpose. Only the business as stated may be transacted GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club

ARTICLE VIII - Duties of the Executive Board and Chairmen Section 1. - Departments and Divisions a. Chairmen of departments shall be appointed by the President and shall conduct their activities in accordance with the plan approved by the Dean of Departments. b. The Club shall have as many departments and divisions as are necessary to meet the requirements of the Club's programs and projects. Chairmen shall call their respective groups to meet upon the approval of the Department c. President whenever necessary to carry out their work d. Department Chairmen shall be responsible for compiling annual reports. Section 2. - Committees a. The Club shall have as many committees as deemed necessary by the President and the Executive Board. The Finance Committee shall consist of five members: the Treasurer who shall be the Chairman, b. the Ways and Means Chairman, the retiring President, the retiring Treasurer and one other member appointed by the President. It shall be the responsibility of the Finance Committee to plan and submit a budget for the year to the Executive Board and to exercise general foresight of the financial affairs of the Club. c. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Membership Chairman, Hours Chairman, and three members selected by the Membership Chairman. This committee shall assist the Membership Chairman in her duties and be responsible for reviewing the current status of Club members and prospective members. d. The Revisions Committee shall consist of a Chairman, appointed by the President, and as many members as the Chairman deems necessary, with the Parliamentarian serving as consultant. e. The Scholarship Committee shall consist of five members. One member shall be elected by the membership annually at the January General Meeting, who shall serve on the committee for a twoyear term, and who shall serve as chairman during her second year, and three members who shall be appointed by the President to serve one-year terms f. The Telephone Committee shall be called upon to contact the membership at the direction of, or with the approval of, the President. Electronic means can be used as a method of contact with the membership. g. The Yearbook Committee shall be responsible for compiling and printing a current list of Executive Board members, a current membership roster, Bylaws and Standing Rules, and any other information apropos to the work of the Club. The yearbook shall be distributed to the membership as soon as possible after the installation of new officers. Section 3. - The Newsletter Editor shall compile and mail a newsletter within five days of each Executive Board meeting It shall be distributed to the membership and certain District and State Officers, and one copy filed with the Historian for the record. Section 4. - The Historian shall be responsible for keeping current the history of the Club, adding to it a report of the activities and accomplishments of the Club. Section 5. - The Parliamentarian shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the members of the Club on matters of parliamentary procedure. She shall serve as consultant to the Revisions Committee. She shall have with her at all meetings the Club's copy of the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Section 6. - The Hospitality Chairman shall be responsible for obtaining hostesses for the monthly meetings and shall keep an adequate supply of items needed for refreshments at those meetings. She shall also make arrangements for any special meetings. Section 7. - The Hours Chairman shall collect and record the twenty-four service hours of members Section 8. - The Legislative Chairman shall act as liaison between the Club and elected officials and shall encourage political involvement by the membership, and awareness of GFWC's public policies. Section 9. - The Publicity Chairman shall inform local news media of Club projects and file news copies or annual reports GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club

Section 10. - The Awards Chairman shall be responsible for obtaining nominations for Club awards and for compiling any required reports. Section 11. - The Social Chairman shall be responsible for arranging occasional social events to encourage fellowship among the membership. Section 12. - The Scrapbook Chairman shall be responsible for the preparation of a scrapbook including Club activities for the year that shall be presented to the outgoing President. Section 13. - The Tallulah Falls School Chairman shall be responsible for communicating with and involving the membership regarding activities and awards relating to with the Tallulah Falls School ARTICLE IX - Meetings Section 1. - The General Meeting shall be held on the third Thursday of the month at 10:00 A.M., except in June, July, August, and December. Section 2. - Special meetings may be called by the President, Executive Board, or one third of the active members. Called meetings shall be requested in writing, stating the reason, and no business except that stated in the call may be transacted. Section 3. - The quorum for the General Meeting shall be one third of the active members. Section 4. - The February meeting shall be the Annual Meeting at which time newly elected officers shall be installed. ARTICLE X - Conflict of Interest Policy The GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club subscribes to the complete Conflict of Interest Policy as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. A copy of the policy shall be kept in the Treasurer's Records. ARTICLE XI - Amendments Section 1. - These Bylaws may be amended at a General Meeting of the Club by a majority vote, providing the proposed amendments have been read at the previous meeting or that written notification has been sent to the membership. Section 2. - Absentee ballots are acceptable if in writing, signed, and submitted to the recording secretary before the voting ARTICLE XII - Dissolution Should the GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club membership vote to dissolve said Club, the President shall immediately appoint a committee to dispose of all Club assets, whether real or personal property, and to pay all outstanding debts. Said committee shall recommend a plan to the membership for the disposition of all assets to the extent authorized by the GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club Bylaws, and Federal, State and IRS codes. ARTICLE XIII - Parliamentary Authority : The current copy of Robert 's Rules ofOrder, Newly Revised, shall be the accepted parliamentary authority of the Club when not inconsistent with these Bylaws. GFWC Dunwoody Woman's Club

Dunwoody Woman's Club


Form 990-EZ - Part V, Line 35

Form 990T is not used because our two fundraising projects are simple one day events with no cost of goods sold and minimal expenses. These fundraising events are not a business, but conducted purely provide funds for our community and charitable donations. All income and expenses shown on lines 6(a) and 6(b) are fully reported on attachments to this return. Form 990T relates to much more sophisticated exempt organization businesses than our two uncomplicated fundraising projects.

[PDF] Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Free Download PDF (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.