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Unit 1 • Bands and fans Speaking focus p.6 2 do yoga; go running, shopping; go to a film, a gig, the theatre; go out for a pizza; go on the computer; have friends round, a pizza; play computer games, football, the guitar; watch a DVD, a film, football, television. 3 Sample answers: go rockclimbing, clubbing; go out for a meal; play basketball; have a nap; do an aerobics class 4 1 How do you usually relax when you have some free time? 2 What do you do when you stay in? Where do you go when you go out? 3 Do you like being in a large group or would you rather be with a few close friends? 5 1 watching TV; my mood 2 stay in; have friends round 3 Playing the guitar 4 Doing yoga 5 computer games 6 for a pizza 6 Students’ own answers
9 1 Julia: 2 and 6; Stefan: 7 and 3. 2 Julia: not enough detail in first question; Stefan: yes 3 Julia was a bit flat. 4 I’m sorry. Would you repeat the question, please? 10 Students’ own answers
Reading focus p.8 2 No, but tribes now are different – they’re broader and more inclusive. 3 1 these impressions: people’s reactions to the groups of young people they: the young people 2 tracks, radio and cassette link back to records, stream, download. Neither adds more (negative) information about how young people these days are different; They refers back to young people. 4 1E2C3G4A5B6D F is extra. 5–6 Students’ own answers 7 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A, 6 B
7 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 E 6 D/E 7 A 8 Students’ own answers
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Gold First New Edition Grammar focus p.10 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Answer key
Use of English focus p.11
’s always downloading ’m working ’s playing comes ’m getting take
2 1F2D3C4B5E6A 3 1 A) have = own/possess (stative verb) B) having = taking (activity happening at this moment) 2 A) appears = seems (stative verb) B) appearing = playing at (scheduled event in the future) 3 A) at this moment B) in general 4 A) thinking = considering B) it’s my opinion
1 1E2A3C4B5D 2 Students’ own answers 3 A and B are wrong because you use these verbs to describe the location of things rather than people. D is wrong because it would need to be ‘who lives in’. 4 1 C heard and D known 2 C heard (It’s not possible to use know in this way in the present perfect.) 5 1C2A3D4C5A6C7B 8D 6 to take off (to suddenly start being successful); to take up (to accept the offer) 7 Students’ own answers
5 A) it’s affected by B) depend on = rely on 6 A) has a good taste (stative verb) B) tasting = trying (happening at the moment of speaking) 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
don’t like is appearing are saying think ’s always checking is getting often go ’re being
1 Students’ own answers 2 Twitter, taste in music, new bands 3 3G 4 2A3B4E5D
Grammar focus p.13 1 1 no 2 yes 3 used to 4 would 5 used to
5–6 Students’ own answers
Listening focus p.12
2 1 yes 2 yes 3 no 4 no 3 1 used to be 2 smile 3 used to go/would go 4 used to meet/would meet 5 used to just walk around/ would just walk around 6 work/am working 7 am getting 8 love 9 am discovering 10 am enjoying © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd
Gold First New Edition
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Writing focus p.14
Review p.15
1 Students’ own answers
1 1 used to enjoy 2 would always go 3 am used to performing 4 took off instantly 5 don’t take after 6 am getting used to
2 1 Josh 2 to give some information about where to see live music in my town 3 informal 3 1 there’s a music festival every summer 2 you’ll be able to see 3 enjoy going a lot 4 mainly interested in 5 – you won’t be disappointed because there’s something for everyone. (dashes are more informal than semi-colons and relative clauses are more common in more formal written texts) 6 But 7 If you like, I could 8 Let me know what you think.
2 1 don’t like 2 are saying 3 don’t think 4 is always doing 5 is getting 6 are playing 3 1A2B3C4C 4 1 3 5 8
fans 2 collection downloaded 4 once released 6 available 7 tastes concerts
4 1 and 3 5 1, 2, 6 6 I: 2, 3, 4, 5 F: 1, 6 7 Students’ own answers
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Unit 2 • Relative values Use of English focus p.16 1 Sample answers 1 I think my friends would say I’m very ambitious because I work very hard to get what I want; My friends would probably say I make them laugh. 2 I take after my mum, we’re both perfectionists; My brother and I have a lot in common, we’re both very sociable and love a good argument. 2–4 Students’ own answers 5 -able:
sociable comfortable lovable predictable reliable
adventurous cautious generous
realistic dramatic pessimistic sympathetic
practical emotional personal
thoughtful harmful hopeful meaningful
6 -able: sociable, comfortable, lovable, predictable, reliable, -ous: adventurous, cautious, generous -ic: realistic, dramatic, pessimistic, sympathetic, -al: practical, emotional, personal, -ful: thoughtful, harmful, hopeful, meaningful Stress changes in: dramatic, generous, pessimistic, reliable, sympathetic 7 comfortless, loveless, thoughtless, harmless, (hopeless), meaningless; unsociable, uncomfortable, unlovable, unpredictable, unreliable, unadventurous, ungenerous, unrealistic, undramatic, unsympathetic, unemotional 8 Suggested answer: People behave differently in different situations. 9 Adjectives: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; Nouns: 3 (singular), 4 (plural), 7 (plural) 10 1 3 5 7
hopeful 2 pessimistic reality 4 characteristics unpredictable 6 adventurous differences 8 meaningless
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Listening focus p.18
Grammar focus p.19
1 Students’ own answers
1 A hard B well C slowly D hardly 1 hard, well 2 hard, well
2 Max says that people mistakenly believe that oldest children A are likely to do well in the future. B will be happier than their siblings. C are often very independent at a young age. 3 1 mistakenly believe → isn't supported by any real facts A: to do well → leading happy, as well as successful, lives B: will be happier → have the best chance of leading happy … lives C: very independent → responsible and independent 2A
1 Students’ own answers 2 1 Will Young 2 Jonathan Self 3 Kate Firth 4 Zoë Heller 3 Suggested answer: You would expect to find two conflicting emotions (highlighted in extract A). 4 (Key words and words/ expressions in the text in brackets)
2 parents often encourage the oldest child to help their younger brothers and sisters to learn new skills 3 I do remember hating my younger brother and thinking that he was my parents’ favourite, and this is something that’s quite common in oldest children
6 it’d be much easier for two third-born children
4 1 fairly 2 very 3 completely, absolutely 4 very 5 (an) absolutely 6 a bit, fairly
Reading focus p.20
1 the vast majority of people believe that the oldest child’s always the most successful
5 where there are either two boys, or two girls, the birth order effect is stronger
3 1D2E3F4B5C6A
5 1 Really 2 Completely and absolutely 3 A bit
41A2C3B4B5C6C7A Key phrases in audio script:
4 imaginative and artistic
2 1 hardly 2 hard 3 lately 4 late 5 close 6 closely
1 A (mixed feelings, successful sibling; feeling terribly proud and jealous) 2 D (not get involved, sibling behaved badly; get annoyed by teachers who tried to make me responsible for him) 3 B (stopped doing something; gave up) 4 C (appreciates the value of a sibling relationship; I’ve come to understand the importance of family rather late in life)
7 our relationships outside our family can have just as much influence GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition 5 B (felt rather irritated, birth of a sibling; I hadn’t been at all pleased … when a new child turned up) 6 C (depend on a sibling, practical advice as a child; she looked after me a lot when we were growing up, taught me how to write a cheque, would rescue me when I got lost) 7 D (people get labelled; people put you in a certain box and it’s difficult to get away from that) 8 B (sibling was treated differently; I saw how he became the favourite) 9 A (too cautious, much wanted career; desperately wanted to act, never had his courage) 10 C (most efficient; if I … need a document or family photograph, she’s the one you’ll call) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sort out (para C) get away (para C) make it (para A) get rid of (para B) set your heart on (para A) take off (para A) look up to (para A) turn up (para B)
Answer key 4 1 A making B to make (stop + -ing = discontinue an activity, stop + infinitive = in order to) 2 A phoning B to phone (try + -ing = do something as an experiment, try + infinitive = make an effort to do something difficult) 3 A to buy B buying (remember + -ing = refers back to the past, remember + infinitive = refers forward in time) 4 A having B to have (go on + -ing = continue, go on + infinitive = a change of activity) 5 A to tell B telling (regret + ing = refers to the past, something you are sorry about, regret + infinitive = used to give bad news) 5 liked: going on tour with his dad, sleeping on the tour bus; disliked: being introduced as Taylor and Simon’s son 6 1 going 2 sleeping 3 to travel 4 splitting up 5 having 6 introducing 7 playing/to play 8 to know 9 to teach 10 doing 11 to go 12 being/to be 7 Students’ own answers
7 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.22 1 Students’ own answers 2 1C2B3D4A5E 3 1 D (enjoy) 2 C (worried about) 3 B (a waste of time) 4 E (offered) 5 A (like someone to do something) GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition Speaking focus p.23 1 Students’ own answers 2 twin sister/brother (Alana thinks you would tell a twin sister everything; Federico is close to his brother); grandparents (you learn a lot from them; they are patient and kind); father/son relationships (you can share hobbies); teacher (teachers can have a huge effect; a friend of Alana’s was encouraged to take up drama and become an actor). 3 Agreeing: So do I/Neither do I; That’s very true; I hadn’t thought of that; Exactly!; Good point; I suppose so Disagreeing politely: I’m not convinced; I’m not sure about that; I see what you mean, but …; Well, actually … Asking opinions: What about you?; What’s your view …? Expressions of agreement that are uncertain: I suppose so; OK, but …
Answer key 5 This makes playing with other children outside the family easier; because they may be jealous of each other; because you don’t have shared memories; so it’s always possible to make friends with your sibling as adults 6 1 Even though 2 However 3 On the other hand 4 Despite
Review p.25 1 1 get rid of 2 looked up to 3 turned up 4 took off 5 make it 6 get away 2 1 hardly hard 2 closely close 3 absolutely very/really 4 very absolutely 5 free freely 6 completely very/really 7 a bit absolutely 8 hardly hard 3 1 confident 2 independent 3 practical 4 sociable 5 creative 6 cautious 4 1 reliable 2 imaginative 3 adventurous 4 realistic 5 hopeless 6 sympathetic 5 1 having 2 to work 3 running 4 to lock 5 to invite 6 working 7 finish 8 not to
4–5 Students’ own answers
Writing focus p.24 1 Students’ own ideas 2 1C2B3F4A5E6D 3 1, 4, 6 4 Points 1, 2 and 3 in paragraph 2. Point 2 also in paragraph 3
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Unit 3 • Things that matter 3 I’ve (never) owned one; I haven’t been back there (since); I’ve only had four (so far); I’ve (just) got my confidence back
Reading focus p.26 1 Students’ own answers 2 Suggested answers: passions/interests 3 (key phrases from the article in brackets) 1 D (enrich our lives and make us better people) 2 B 3 A (teaching you how to sob … how to sing with enthusiasm) 4 B (they do not happen every week) 5 C (Calm, controlled middleaged women are suddenly prepared to …) 6 B (what defines us as human is … the ability to care about something) 4 Students’ own answers 5 1 in 2 of 3 about 4 by 5 by 6 about
5 for = a period of time; since = a point in time 6 1 past simple: in 2010, once, last month, ago, at lunchtime 2 present perfect: yet, so far, already, never, once, just, this month 7 1B2A 8 1 2 4 6
’ve ridden/been riding once witnessed 3 lived had 5 ’ve never been ’ve just won
9 Students’ own answers
Use of English focus p.29 1 1 like 2 as/like 3 as 4 like 5 as 6 as/like
Grammar focus p.28 1 1 for most of her life 2 no 3 a month ago, when a colleague persuaded her to 4 for a month 5 four 2 1 I left home; a colleague at work persuaded me 2 my friend and I used to help out; the owner would let us ride the ponies
2 Students’ own answers 3 being on stage; writing music; listening to music 4 on is a preposition 1 preposition 2 preposition 3 preposition 4 relative pronoun 5 conjunction 6 auxiliary verb 7 adverb 8 verb
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5 1 like 2 about 3 as 4 which 5 when/while 6 have 7 more 8 does
2 1 different 2 similar 3 similar 3 1 quite as high/good as 2 one of the most 3 much less 4 higher than 5 a bit wealthier/more wealthy than 6 not as easy
6 Students’ own answers
Vocabulary and Listening focus p.30 1 designer shoes: £675 designer watch: €4,200 luxury sports car: $158,500 Picasso painting: $102.3 million grand piano: £35,000 1–3 Students’ own answers 2 1H2D3G4E5A6C7B 8F 3 1 within 2 in 3 on 4 away 5 to 6 of
4 Students’ own answers 5 Sample answer The thing we spend most money on is clothes. The thing we spend least money on is travel. More than half of us spend quite a lot of money on eating out in restaurants.
4 Students’ own answers
The thing we spend most time doing is studying.
5 Students’ own answers (the text gives information about A, B and D)
More than half of us study for more than 20 hours a week.
6 Suggested answers: 1 (a number) 5 2 (a noun) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 3 (a plural form) 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 4 (only one word) 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 7 1 3 6 9
(sports) shoes 2 shops children 4 farmers 5 100 hospital 7 family 8 property freedom 10 house
9 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.32 1 1 not as interested as/less interested than 2 the most satisfying 3 much happier than
The thing we spend the least time on is exercising. Less than half of us do exercise regularly.
Speaking focus p.33 1 A 2–3 Students’ own answers 4 1 2 3 4 5
like like/as if/as though like like/as if/as though like/as if/as though
You can only use like in 1 and 3 because it’s followed by a noun. In the other sentences, like, as if and as though can all be used. 5 1B2B3A
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Answer key 5 B It is more interesting and less abrupt.
6 1 Both the pictures show an achievement./The pictures both show an achievement.
6 Students’ own answers
2 The man also looks happy./Also, the man looks happy.
Review p.35
3 The man seems to be enjoying himself, too.
11D2B3A4C5D6B 2 1 has lived/been living here for 2 haven’t seen Mike since 3 time (that) I have visited/been to 4 have already had 5 spend hardly any/hardly spend any 6 far more expensive than 7 just as friendly as 8 one of the most expensive
7 Students’ own answers 8 Students’ own answers
Writing focus p.34 1 1 informal, because it’s for young people 2 describe a possession and say why it’s important to you
3 1 worried 2 interesting 3 exciting 4 embarrassed 5 frightening 6 relieved
2 A and B both answer the question, but Paragraph A is most effective.
4 1 about 2 like 3 much/far 4 as 5 by 6 as 7 been 8 both/each
3 Suggested answers: Paragraph two: B, C, F, G; Paragraph three: A, D, E, H 4 Sample answer By simply looking at my computer, you wouldn’t be able to see how important it is to me. It’s an inexpensive Toshiba model and quite ordinary to look at. If you started it up, you’d find it user-friendly but not particularly high-tech as it is already two years old. So, what makes it so special to me? Well, a great deal of its sentimental value comes from the fact that it was an eighteenth birthday gift from my parents. Since then, it has become increasingly important to me because of the hundreds of photos stored on it, along with all my friends’ contact details. GOLD FIRST NE
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Unit 4 • Battling nature Listening focus p.36
6 B (arrived at the place where Shackleton decided to turn back)
1 1B2A3C4A5C
7 C (courage)
2 1 What does Leo say about Henry Worsley’s team? 2 What does Leo say was the hardest thing for Worsley’s team before the expedition?
5 Students’ own answers 6 1J2G3H4E5C6A7B8D 9 F 10 I 7 Students’ own answers
3 What does Leo say was easier for the twenty-first century expedition than for Shackleton’s expedition?
1 Students’ own answers
4 What problem did both expeditions experience?
2 1 set off 2 was sailing 3 had planned
5 How did Worsley feel when he was crossing the Antarctic plateau?
3 1 set off 2 had planned 3 was sailing
6 The part of the book Leo enjoyed most was when Worsley …
5 1 was missing 2 had to 3 heard 4 had rescued 5 had floated 6 was starting/had started
7 What does Leo admire about Shackleton?
6 1 had been working (B), had never needed (A) 2 had been hurting (B) 3 had never seen (A) 4 hadn’t heard (A)
3 See 4 below. 4 (key phrases in brackets) 1 B (all related to members of Shackleton’s team) 2 B (mental challenge … struggled with most) 3 A (Shackleton travelling into the unknown while Worsley’s team had a map and modern navigation equipment) 4 C (high winds … Shackleton also endured) 5 B (began to doubt he’d ever reach the Pole)
Grammar focus p.38
4 Students’ own answers
7 1 hurt; had been hoping/had hoped 2 was recovering; studied/was studying 3 was swimming; cut 4 hadn’t been feeling/hadn’t felt; decided
Speaking focus p.39 1 How difficult it would be to learn these survival skills. Which two survival skills would be the most useful? 2 Students’ own answers
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3 Students’ own answers
5 Students’ own answers
4 1 top, list 2 put, above 3 highest priority 4 out of these
6 1D2E3A4B5C6J7I8F 9 G 10 H 7 Students’ own answers
5 1 bottom 2 below 3 lowest priority 4 least useful 6 Students’ own answers
8 1 afraid 2 angry 3 in a hurry 4 annoyed 5 disappointed/sad/ worried 6 angry
Reading focus p.40
Grammar focus p.42
2 Yes, John Neidigh had concussion, a collapsed lung, cracked ribs and a shattered leg.
1 1 the 2 the 3 – 4 the 5 the 6 – 7 a/an 8 – 2 A7B3C2D8E4F8 3 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 the 6 the 7 the 8 a 9 a 10 the 11 a 12 a 13 the 14 – 15 –
3 Shock: All of them Frostbite: A Hypothermia: A, B 4 (key words and expressions in the text in brackets)
Use of English focus p.43
1 A (panicking; started screaming, out of my mind)
1 1 unsuccessful 2 incredible 3 discouraged 4 impossible 5 misunderstood 6 irresponsible
2 B (stay awake; fight the desire to go to sleep) 3 D (in pain all over; needles stuck in every part of your body) 4 C (thrown up into the air; felt the entire trailer lift off the ground) 5 A (crying helped him to survive; tears running across face, realised …) 6 C (multiple injuries; concussion, collapsed lung) 7 A (a long wait; fourteen hours)
2 1 disadvantage 2 misread 3 unlikely 4 impatient 5 irregular 6 incapable 3 Students’ own answers 4 Students’ own answers 5 adjective: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 noun: 2, 7, 8 6 1 lucky 2 visitors 3 dangerous 4 inexperienced 5 sensible 6 Warning 7 sickness 8 assistance 7 Students’ own answers
8 D (deafness; couldn’t hear anything) 9 B (difficult to relate; feeling disconnected) 10 D (variations in body temperature; frozen, boiling) GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition Writing focus p.44 1 Students’ own answers 2 Students’ own answers 3 negative effects of tourism: 2 (disagree) and 3 (agree); personal risk 1 (agree) and 4 (disagree) 4 A2B4C3D1 5 Students’ own answers 6 Students’ own answers 7 Sample answer Does living in the countryside provide a better way of life? TV programmes often show beautiful scenes in the countryside that feature the wildlife, fantastic landscapes and beautiful beaches, for example. They don’t often show a lot of detail about what rural life is actually like. Is it really better to live in the countryside than in a city?
Answer key jobs are much more plentiful there. I think that living in the countryside can provide a better way of life, but really this depends on your lifestyle and your personal situation.
Review p.45 1 1 an 2 the 3 the 4 the 5 the 6 7 the 8 the 9 a 10 an 11 the 12 a 13 a 14 - 15 a 16 a 2 1 incapable 2 misunderstood 3 unreliable 4 impatient 5 irresponsible 6 dissatisfied 3 1B2A3E4F5C6D 4 1 had been living 2 were walking for 3 had forgotten how to 4 hadn’t/had not been
It is true that living in the countryside offers some obvious health benefits. The air is less polluted, and you may have more opportunities to spend time outdoors enjoying nature. This can be good for your mental health as well as physical health. On the other hand, there are some clear advantages to living in a city. Public transport is often better and there are more facilities for education, leisure and entertainment. However, people aren’t always able to choose to live in the country, even if they want to. Some people have to move to cities to find employment as GOLD FIRST NE
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Unit 5 • Eat your heart out! Grammar focus p.46 1–2 Students’ own answers 3 1 fat 2 vegetarian 3 vitamins 4 balanced 5 low 6 free 4 Students’ own answers 5 A fat, honey, rice, salt B egg, vegetable C cake, cheese, chicken, chocolate, coffee, curry, fruit, meat 6 1 A refers to one cake, B refers to several cakes 2 A refers to the meat, B refers to the animals 7 1 much 2 a lot of 3 very little 4 hardly any 5 a lot of 6 a few 7 any 8 some 8 1 A refers to a small number, B refers to hardly any 2 A refers to a small amount, B refers to hardly any 9 Students’ own answers
Listening focus p.49 1 Students’ own answers 2 1 noun 2 adjective 3 noun 4 verb 5 verb 6 noun 7 noun 8 verb 9 noun 10 noun 3 1 percent, chimpanzee, diet, fruit 2 chimpanzee food, tastes, humans 3 can’t survive, fruit, have, small 4 cooking, spent, time 5 benefit, cooking 6 cooking, resulted, increase 7 sharing 8 waiting, food, cooked 9 early humans, used, cooking 10 ice age, cooked food, survive 4 1 4 7 9
fruit 2 bitter 3 stomach finding 5 preserve 6 brain (family) meal 8 stolen (a) fire 10 energy
5–6 Students’ own answers
Use of English focus p.48 1 Students’ own answers 2 1 doesn’t like 2 isn’t 3 Gaps 1, 5, 6, 8 can be filled by an expression of quantity. 4 1 many 2 get/become/grow 3 why 4 which 5 any 6 few 7 been 8 every 5 Students’ own answers 6 1 go through 2 pour over, use in 3 for the sake of
Reading focus p.50 2 David is very young to be a restaurant critic and is an adventurous eater. 3 (parts of the text for each question) 1 2 3 4 5 6
para 1 para 2 para 3 para 4 line 53 line 67
(key words in the options) GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition 1 A prefers, Italian; B attracted, appearance; C wanted, write, review; D prefers, restaurant 2 A wasn’t keen, serve, child; B tables reserved, celebrities; C completely booked; D couldn’t afford 3 A worried; B interested; C wanted, opinions; D talk to him, lonely 4 A fuss; B unusual food, free; C explained, food, made; D didn’t treat him, child 5 A part of animal; B why; C how; D kind of animal
Answer key are believed to bring → People believe monkeys bring wealth. 3 1 were given away 2 have been eaten 3 being given 4 be made 5 are going to be served 6 to be asked 4 Students’ own answers 5 B and C avoid saying who believes C uses an impersonal third person pronoun. 6 1 are expected to carry 2 are known to be 3 is claimed that 4 are believed to have been 5 has been estimated 6 are thought to get 7 Students’ own answers
6 A nature; B youth; C childlike; D lack, qualifications 4 1B 2C 3B 4D 5D 6B
Speaking focus p.53
6 1 turn down 2 turn up 3 turn on 4 turn out 5 turn off 6 turn away
1 Students’ own answers
7 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.52 1 The celebration is held in honour of monkeys. 2 will be provided → Local people will provide a huge amount of fruit and vegetables. have been invited → People have invited chefs to prepare a wonderful meal. can be seen → You can see monkeys everywhere in this jungle town. is being held → People are holding the feast as they do every year.
Suggested answers: Formal restaurants: more special, better for a celebration, expensive, food more adventurous and interesting Fast food restaurants: more casual, simpler/more basic food 2 1 Although 2 whereas 3 While 4 Both 3 1A2A3B4B5A6A 4 1 She mentions differences of price, food, service, reasons why you might go there. 2 She imagines how the restaurants make the customers feel.
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Writing focus p.54
Progress test 1 p.55
1 staff, writer’s expectations, location, atmosphere, food, service
1 1 up 2 down 3 away 4 off 5 out 6 on 7 up 8 over 9 off 10 after
2 Students’ own answers 3 food: poor quality, overpriced, outstanding, stodgy, perfectly cooked, bland, not much to tempt me on the menu, far from bland; staff: welcoming, friendly, helpful; atmosphere: full of tourists, certainly didn’t disappoint, busy, packed, great place 4 1 the atmosphere certainly didn’t disappoint, far from bland: using negatives with a positive meaning for emphasis 2 extremely, certainly, pleasantly, perfectly, just, literally: a wide range of adverbs give emphasis, make the review more interesting and add impact 3 was served: passive is used here because it’s unnecessary to mention the waiter 4 I’d always avoided, I’d heard: past perfect is used because the writer is talking about her expectations before visiting the restaurant 5 A2B3C1
2 1C2A3A4A5B6C 3 1 little 2 many 3 no 4 hardly 5 being 6 has 7 be 8 are 4 1 live have lived 2 more fastly faster 3 isn’t having doesn’t have 4 hardly hard 5 a very few 6 more most 7 run been running 8 gets is getting 9 like as 10 lot a lot 11 frightened terrified 12 travel travelling 13 already left had already left 14 the golf 15 taking to take 5 1 across 2 taste 3 released 4 unpredictable 5 difference 6 make 7 by 8 short 9 caught 10 strong 11 icy 12 impatient 13 taking 14 like 15 embarrassing 6 1A2D3A4A5A6C7B 8C 7 9 their 10 enough 11 to 12 so 13 the 14 which 15 off 16 If 8 17 20 22 23
spicy 18 sight 19 colourful adventurous 21 surprisingly fascinating daily/everyday 24 fortunate
9 25 can’t sing as well 26 have been taken over by 27 are hardly any cheap/inexpensive 28 haven’t seen him for 29 don’t remember locking 30 always turning up
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Unit 6 • On camera 3 (key words in brackets)
Speaking focus p.58 1 2
Students’ own answers 1 highest 2 One different 3 large
3 Students’ own answers 4 Students’ own answers 5 1 Roberto: Would you agree with that, Beata? 2 Beata: Basically, you’re saying you don’t really need any talent to succeed. 3 Roberto: Yes, I suppose you are right. 6–7 Students’ own answers 8 1 set 2 critics 3 production 4 script 9 1 portrait 2 graffiti 3 still life 4 landscape 5 abstract 10 Students’ own answers
Listening focus p.60 1 dislike, play; A 2 1 no 2 yes, music is mentioned 3 no 4 lighting: semi-darkness, see clearly; costumes: jeans and hoodies music: specially composed, welcome, helps to create 5 But …, I just wish I’d been able to …
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(why, meet, 6p.m.) (where, see, actor) (why, different) (why, retire) (exhibition, special) (actress, doing) (what, talking about)
4 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.61 1 Examples include: present continuous: when are you starting …; present simple: performances start in three weeks; will: it’ll be …; going to: he’s going to tell us …; modal verbs: it could be … 2 1E2G3D4B5F6C7A 3 may, might 4 1 are you doing 2 ’m going 3 ’s moving 4’ll enjoy 5 ’m going to buy 6 ’ll get 7 does it start 8 ’m going to leave 5 1 What are you doing this weekend? I’m going to the dance festival in the park. It’s on all weekend. Oh, I’d really like to go but my brother’s moving house and I have to help him. That’s a shame!
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Gold First New Edition Never mind. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Yes. It should be fun, especially as I think the weather’ll be good. 2 Hi Ben! Are you going to the film festival at the weekend?
6 1 accessible, anxious, romantic, successful 2 choice, entertainment, growth, living, product/ production, separation, supply 7 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.64
Yes, on Saturday. I’m going to buy the tickets online today.
1 Students’ own answers
How much are they?
2 1 By (2020) … ; In (twentyfive years) …
Only £15. I’ll get you one if you like. That would be great. What time does it start? At 7.30. But I’m going to leave home early, at six o’clock because of the traffic. I’ll pick you up on my way, if you like. 6
Answer key
Students’ own answers
2 we’ll be watching, will be controlling (future continuous) 3 might even have found, will have learnt (future perfect) 3 be; have, past 4 1 have closed 2 be using 3 be choosing 4 be interacting 5 have invented 6 be projecting 5–6 Students’ own answers
Reading focus p.62 1 Students’ own answers
Use of English focus p.65
2 Blockbusters appeal to a lot of people (the mass market) and niche products appeal to small groups of people with specific interests.
1 1 understand 2 persuade 3 have 4 become 5 move/travel 6 receive (Students’ own answers)
3 1 that refers back to the internet would vastly increase the supply of small independent films and other niche media products. 2 It contrasts with it. 3 Something which says that it’s not only niche products which are popular. 4 but, however or yet 41E 2G 3A 4F 5C 6B
2 It predicted touchscreen technology but other things it predicted have not come true: hoverboards, domestic robots, flying cars, pills to replace food. It did not predict the microchip. 3 1A2A3B4D5B6C7C 8B 4 Students’ own answers
5 Students’ own answers
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Writing focus p.66
Review p.67
1 1 to look at the advantages and disadvantages of a college cinema, and make a recommendation on the possibility of having one
1 1 entertainment 2 growth 3 successful 4 accessible 5 anxious 6 choice 2 1B2A3B4B5C6A7C8A
2 to go ahead with the idea
3 1 through 2 round 3 over 4 down 5 away 6 into
3 semi-formal (passive forms, words and expressions such as all things considered, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, therefore, etc.)
4 1 be learning 2 have started 3 show/be showing 4 use/be using 5 watch/be watching 6 have lost
2 1 Introduction 2 Advantages 3 Potential problems 4 Recommendations 3 passive forms/reporting verbs: were consulted, was generally believed, It was suggested, could be shown, also be used, were raised. These are used to make the tone impersonal and to avoid focusing on individual people. linking words: However (to express contrast), therefore (to express a conclusion). clauses of purpose: In order to (to show purpose), Since (to show reason). 4 your college, visit, self-study centre, local university, successful, recommend 5 advantages: 2, 4, 6 disadvantages: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
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Unit 7 • A home from home Grammar focus p.70
Reading focus p.68 1 Students’ own answers 2 negative, but trying to be positive 3 (key words and answers in text in brackets) 1 A (worried; fear, in case she lost her nerve) 2 D (avoid talking about emotions; do anything to distract themselves from the thought) 3 B (not feel at home; the rest of her life would be a struggle with the unfamiliar) 4–5 Students’ own answers 6 1C2A 7 1 presumed: thought something was true, although she was not certain 2 singled out: chose one person or thing from among a group because they were better, worse, more important, etc. than the others 3 lost her nerve: became very nervous so that she could not do what she intended to do 4 taken aback: was very shocked or surprised by something 5 unbidden: without being asked for, expected, or invited 6 dread: (the fear of ) what she was most anxious about 8 Students’ own answers GOLD FIRST NE
1 1 No, he can’t be, because her father is dead. 2 Yes 3 No, he must be living there because he’s writing to Eilis. 4 Yes 5 Yes 2 1 could 2 might 3 can't 4 couldn't 5 may A must B can’t, couldn’t C may, might, could 3 1 present: 1, 2, 3; past: 4, 5 2 a) infinitive without to b) have + past participle 4 1 must 2 can’t 3 must have decided 4 can’t be playing 5 can’t have been 6 may have seen 5 1 He must have given up work. 2 It can’t be Alfie, because he never takes any exercise. 3 She may be expecting a message. 4 She might have run out of money. 5 They may have gone on holiday. 6 She may be wearing contact lenses. 7 They must have spent a fortune on it. 8 It may be hiding in the shed. 6 Sample answers the camel might have swallowed something; the person could be trying to get it out; the camel might be ill; it must be very uncomfortable for the person! © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd
Gold First New Edition Speaking focus p.71
Answer key 3 B (special; wise; live long time; speak every language)
2 the treehouse 3 1 certain 2 could 3 seems 4 looks 5 appears 6 definitely 7 must 8 imagine 4 1 Well, I’m not absolutely certain what the place on the right is. 2 It could be an underwater hotel. 3 The other one seems to have been built in the trees. 4 The underwater hotel looks quite luxurious. 5 The treehouse appears to be more basic. 6 It would definitely be less expensive to stay at. 7 It must be an interesting experience to stay at both of them. 8 I’d imagine the treehouse might not be such fun in bad weather. 5 Students’ own answers
4 C (author; Buddhist; one trip, Tibet; ideas, books, magazines) 5 A (similarities, show; interested, Tibetan, culture; believed, could exist; unable, original ideas) 6 C (Zhongdian; originally called Shangri-la; monasteries; new, income) 7 C (modern-day Shangri-la; shocked; confused; disappointed) 5 1 Tibet, place 2 only too keen to forget their troubles; fantasy 3 very little known about Tibet (doesn’t say it was popular); fantasy (it wasn’t a real place) 6 Students’ own answers 7 1 seasonal 2 direct 3 round 4 package 5 long-distance 6 direct 8 1 off 2 over/around 3 out 4 of 5 in 6 at 7 to 8 in 9–10 Students’ own answers
Listening focus p.205 1 Students’ own answers 2 breathtaking, inspirational, luxurious, magnificent, mysterious, peaceful, remote, spiritual 3 Students’ own answers 4 (key words in brackets) 1 A (popular; escape, reality; believed, real; interested, Tibet) 2 A (travellers, get; guides; plane, crashed; found; map) GOLD FIRST NE
Grammar focus p.74 1 Iceland 2 A 9 (tourists who come to the island …), 11 (… summer, when there are over …), 15 (One of the places which …) B 1 (The island, which is …), 4 (… southwest of the country, where the capital …), 5 (the island, whose main attraction is …), 13 (winter temperatures, © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd
Gold First New Edition which average …), 18 (a lava field, in which you can …) 3 A 15 (One of the places that tourists most want to visit …) B 15 (One of the places tourists most want to visit …) C 15 (One of the places where tourists most want to visit …) 4 1 The nearest town, which is 5km from here, doesn’t have a train station. 2 The local people, who used to work in the fishing industry, now work in tourism. 3 Where’s the bus that/which goes to the beach? 4 The woman who owns the hotel isn’t here at the moment./The woman whose hotel it is, isn’t here at the moment. 5 In summer when the water is warm you can go swimming./You can go swimming in summer, when the water is warm. 6 The man who/that (whom) I met yesterday is a tour guide. 7 The road, which is very steep, takes you to the top of the mountain./The road that takes you to the top of the mountain is very steep. 8 The place where we stayed/that we stayed in last summer is very beautiful. 5 Students’ own answers
Answer key
Use of English focus p.75 1 1 such, so 2 very, too 3 very, so 4 too, enough 5 so, enough 6 Very, so 2 1 so, too, very 2 enough (also too but only when it means as well) 3 enough 4 so, too, very 5 too 6 very, so 3 Students’ own answers 4 1 so foggy that we could 2 didn’t have enough money 3 such a lot of traffic 4 could have seen 5 can’t be telling 6 may have been taken
Writing focus p.76 1 Students’ own answers 2 Students’ own answers 3 Paragraph 1: introduction (rephrasing the task); paragraph 2: it costs money (you have to pay to get there); paragraph 3: it doesn’t necessarily help you to be independent (some people mix with their own nationality); paragraph 4: it can be useful for CVs (shows you have some life experience); paragraph 5: conclusion/opinion 4 1 Even if, which 2 so that 3 unless, This 4 If 5 Sample answer Is it better to have a holiday abroad or stay in your own country? For many people, having a holiday abroad seems much more attractive than a holiday at home. There are new sights to see and the opportunity to experience another culture. © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd
Gold First New Edition However, there are many advantages to a holiday at home. The first thing is the expense. There is the cost of flights as well as the cost of accommodation and entertainment. When you are in another country, you can end up spending more than you planned. It is easier to calculate the cost of a holiday at home, and it is often cheaper.
Answer key
Review p.77 1 1 must have been 2 may have had 3 could have been 4 might have mistaken 5 must have been 6 can’t be/can’t have been 2 1 which 2 who 3 that/who 4 where 5 which 6 which 7 which 8 where 3 1C2B3C4D5C6B
The next thing is the environment. Most holidays abroad involve air travel, which harms the environment. In addition to this, tourism may have an impact on the wildlife of the local area. If you have a holiday at home, you can reduce your impact on the environment by taking train journeys, for example. Finally, it can be more relaxing. You don’t have to worry about delays or long waits at the airport and there are no communication problems. Sometimes when you come back from a holiday abroad, you feel you need another holiday. In my opinion, a holiday at home is a good idea. You may discover surprising things about your own country.
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Unit 8 • Moving on Listening and vocabulary focus p.78 1 Students’ own answers 2 1 E 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 H (Key words in the options and audio script in 3 and 4.) 3 Speaker 1: E (available on demand) easier for people to contact us when they need us 4 Speaker 2: D (costs less) becoming more affordable Speaker 3: A (new employees) recruit, train Speaker 4: C (wide range of people) people from all sorts of companies Speaker 5: H (fast and efficient) under two hours, no pollution, water is recycled 5 Students’ own answers 6 1 job 2 job 3 occupation 4 profession 5 employment 6 career 7 1D 2C 3B 4A 5F 6E 8 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.81 1 (key words and phrases from the audio script in brackets) 1 C (manager, employee, what, doing; Remember …, Don’t …, summarise) 2 A (radio job interview, recommend; find out, prospective employer) 3 B (colleagues, what, woman, doing; Why wasn’t I given the messages?) 2 1 advised/asked/reminded/ told/warned 2 explained/recommended/ suggested 3 advised/recommended/ suggested 4 accused 5 denied 6 offered 3 A advise, ask, remind B offer C advise, suggest, deny, recommend D accuse, remind E advise, ask, deny, explain, recommend, suggest, warn 4 Students’ own answers
Speaking focus p.80 1 Suggested answers: careers advice for students, jobs, students, choose in the future, discuss, how rewarding 2–7 Students’ own answers
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Reading focus p.82
Grammar focus p.84
1 Students’ own answers
1–2 Suggested answers
2 Suggested key words: 1 passion to see the world 2 more, challenge 3 less expensive 4 a while to adapt 5 found ideal job by accident 6 discovered unexpected things 7 regularly travels long distances 8 sacrificed career opportunities 9 appreciates long holidays 10 primitive environment 3 (phrases from text in brackets) 2 A (wasn’t really stretching me) 3 C (enjoy the same lifestyle for far less) 4 D (help me settle in; four months on) 5 B (stumbled across an advert) 6 E (lots of surprises) 7 A (covering 800 miles) 8 D (was building a career) 9 B (take time off to go travelling for a couple of months) 10 E (only the basic requirements) 5 1 as well as, too, also, as well 2 so, that’s why, since, as, because 3 so that, to, in order to 4 while, although, still, despite, however, even though 6 1 However 2 although 3 That’s why 4 so 5 As well as 6 in order to 7 Despite 8 , too
Hi Mum, The interview for the job in Greece went well, I think. First the interviewer asked me how I’d heard about it. I told her I’d spotted the advert on the internet in a local newspaper and thought it was something I’d be good at enjoy doing. Then she said the job would involve looking after very young children young teenagers and asked me whether I’d had much experience of doing this. So I told her that I look after Sandra and Davy every month now and again and that I was taking them cycling camping the next day. She said I might be unlucky, as she’d heard it was going to rain snow. Then she told me to enjoy the weekend and said she’d write phone soon. She told me not to worry if I didn’t hear anything for a few days weeks. Fingers crossed, Lx 3 1 past simple (how did you hear/how I’d heard) 2 past simple (I spotted/I’d spotted) 3 present simple (I think/I thought) 4 would (’d be good at/would enjoy) 5 will (will involve/would involve)
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Gold First New Edition 6 present perfect (Have you had/I’d had)
Answer key 5 A How did you hear about this job?
7 present simple (look after/ look after)
B Have you had much experience of doing this?
8 present continuous (I’m taking/was taking)
C Enjoy your weekend!
9 might (might be unlucky/might be unlucky) 10 present perfect (I’ve heard/she’d heard) 11 going to (it’s going to rain/it was going to) 12 present simple (I’m sure/not included) 13 will (we’ll/not included) 14 present simple (you sound/not included) 15 present continuous (we’re looking for/not included) 16 will (We’ll write/she’d write) 17 present simple (you don’t hear/I didn’t hear) 4 direct speech
reported statements
past simple
past perfect
present perfect
past perfect
present simple
past simple
present continuous
past continuous
be going to
was going to
would, might
D Don’t worry. 6 1 He asked her whether she got paid well. 2 He asked her to let him know if there were any more job vacancies. 3 He asked her who she was going to be working with the following week. 4 He asked her what she’d done the previous day. 5 He told her not to forget/reminded her to take some photos. 6 He said they would/promised to email her if they came over to Greece. 7 Students’ own answers
Use of English focus p.85 1 Abstract nouns: engineering, journalism, music, visit Concrete nouns: engineer, journalist, musician, visitor 2 -er -or -ist -ant -ive -ian advice – advisor employment – employer/ee tourism – tourist application – applicant representation – representative childhood – child politics – politician
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flexibility 2 responsibility technology 4 personally artists 6 decisions enjoyable 8 various/varying
6 Students’ own answers
Writing focus p.86 1 hotel receptionist 2 1 position 2 At present 3 obtained 4 require 5 on a number of occasions 6 In addition 7 possess 8 look forward 9 in the near future 10 remaining 11 available 12 I am required 3 A3B1C4D2E4 4 1 following your recent advertisement 2 I would like to apply for 3 I obtained the diploma 4 I would be grateful if you could send me further details of 5 I enclose
Answer key 5 18+ , activity instructors, Experience not important, training will be given, Love of sport, energy, enthusiasm, ability to relate to young people 6 Sample answer Para 1: to apply for activity instructor position Para 2: enjoy sports (basketball, tennis, volleyball) Para 3: working with young people; babysitting, coaching junior swim team Para 4: ask for further info about the course Para 5: say when you can come for interview 7 Sample answer Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of summer activity instructor as advertised on your website. One of the main reasons I am applying for this job is that two of my great passions are sports and young people and I have experience which I think would be very useful. I enjoy all kinds of sports, especially team sports. I am captain of the volleyball team at college and I also play basketball and tennis and swim regularly. I have a lot of experience with children and teenagers, including regular babysitting and coaching a junior swimming team at my high school for three years. I am hoping to train to become a sports teacher.
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The training course offered as part of the job sounds like an interesting opportunity and I would be grateful if you would send me further details. Please find enclosed my CV. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely
Review p.87 1 1C2A3A4B5A6B 2 1 2 4 6 8
Representatives unemployment 3 application shortage 5 sadness Tourists 7 arrival knowledge
3 1 reminded his colleagues to 2 suggested (that) Carol (should) 3 accused Anna of 4 warned us not to 5 apologised for not 6 his notice the following/next 7 recommended looking/(that) I look/(that) I should look 8 denied breaking/that she had broken
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Unit 9 • Lucky break? Grammar focus p.91
Reading focus p.88 1 Students’ own answers 2 Students’ own answers 3 1C2E3G4A5F6B 4 1 He suffers from scoliosis, his attitude (he seems to have fun before a race), he parties a lot, he’s opinionated, funny, grounded 2 Students’ own answers 3 Students’ own answers Sample answers: Roger Federer, Serena Williams (tennis), Tiger Woods (golf ), Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham (football), Bradley Wiggins (cycling), Ian Thorpe (swimming) 5 1 have 2 overcome, be 3 set 4 fulfil 5 make, have 6 have 6 1 with 2 on 3 for 4 on 5 in 6 up 7 down 8 in
1 a) second conditional b) zero conditional c) first conditional 2 1 zero conditional 2 may, might, could, can, going to, present perfect and the imperative 3 might, could and should 3 1 If you become/became a film star, who will/would you want to act with? 2 If you win/won a lot of money, what will/would you spend it on? 3 If you learn/were going to learn/learnt another language, which one will/would you choose? 4 If you had the money to go to any place in the world, where would you go?
7 Students’ own answers
5 If you had the chance to do anything this evening, what would you do?
Speaking focus p.90
6 If the weather is good this weekend, what will you/are you going to do?
1 Students’ own answers 2 mentioned: ambition, good health, personality, dedication, talent not mentioned: family support, money 3 1C2B3A I’m sorry, did you say …? Well, it’s difficult to say …, I mean … What I’m trying to say …, … or rather … Right, er …
7 If you get/got/were getting/were going to get married next year, what kind of ceremony will/are you going to/would you have? 8 If someone follows/was following/followed you down the street, what will/would you do?
4 Students’ own answers
4 Students’ own answers
5 Students’ own answers
5 Students’ own answers
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Listening focus p.92
Vocabulary focus p.94
1 Students’ own answers
1 1 ladder (unlucky)
2 A good fortune (luck) B hard work (effort, dedication, long hours of practice) C natural skill (ability you’re born with) 3 (key phrases in brackets) 1 B (dedication, ambition and long hours of practice) 2 B (standards in sport are getting higher) 3 C (the child is unlikely to continue to make progress at such a fast rate) 4 B (older brother … happy to fight out endless battles) 5 A (could play whenever they liked) 6 C (a combination of lucky events) 7 B (better at taking chances and finding ways to improve) 4–5 Students’ own answers
Use of English focus p.93 1 1 competitive 2 competing 3 perfectionists 4 imperfections 5 athletes 6 athletic 2 (main stress underlined) 1 competitive 2 competing 3 perfectionists 4 imperfections 5 athletes 6 athletic
2 cat (either lucky or unlucky depending on who you ask!) 3 mirror (unlucky; it brings seven years’ bad luck) 4 wood (lucky; people say touch wood and touch some wood to prevent something bad from happening, e.g. I don’t think I’ll fail the exam, touch wood). 5 knife (unlucky; especially for a wedding present) 6 umbrella (unlucky) 2 Students’ own answers 3 1 piece 2 bit 3 had 4 wished 5 believe 6 ran 4 1 2 3 4 5
give up, miss, waste achieve, give up lose, miss, win beat achieve, miss, reach
5 1 miss 2 reached 3 win 4 wasted 5 achieve 6 losing 7 beaten 8 gives up 6 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.95 1 A 2 Students’ own answers 3 1 past 2 can come first or second 3 past perfect 4 might and could
3 B 4 1 3 5 7
connection 2 Competitive perfection 4 stressful relaxed 6 confident dangerous 8 dependence
5 Students’ own answers GOLD FIRST NE
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Writing focus p.96
Answer key possible that in time, young people who admire the person will copy their negative behaviour. Sport can be a good way of keeping young people out of trouble. It gives them something to do and helps them to work as a team. Famous sports people have an important role to play here to inspire young people. In my opinion, therefore, sporting heroes should try their best to set a good example both on and off the field.
1 A true B false 2 C, B, A
Review p.97
3 Students’ own answers
1 1B 2C 3A 4D 5C 6A
4 Paragraph 2: 1; Paragraph 3: 4
2 1 take would take 2would book book 3 will practise practised 4 didn’t have wouldn’t have 5 can become could have become 6 wouldn’t have offered hadn’t offered 7 didn’t become wouldn’t have become 8 could afford could have afforded
5 Sample answer In today’s world, there is tremendous scrutiny of sports heroes, with their decisions in sport and in their personal lives reported widely in the media. Some people claim that what sportspeople do in their own time is their own business. However, it is clear that many young people are influenced by their actions and this should encourage them to use their position for the good of society. When sports heroes behave badly, for example, if they demonstrate poor sportsmanship when losing or commit crimes, not only does it damage their own reputation, but it is also GOLD FIRST NE
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
presentation uncomfortable enjoyable precisely successfully preparation helpful dramatic
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Unit 10 • Virtual Friends Vocabulary and listening focus p.98 1–3 Students’ own answers 4 Positive: self-aware, self-confident, selfless, self-sufficient Negative: self-centred, self-conscious, self-important, self-satisfied 5–6 Students’ own answers 7
Key words: A help each other B disagree C different personalities D only known each other … short time E didn’t like each other F enjoy … same things G don’t see each other often H got closer … got older
3 1 unless 2 whether 3 even if 4 provided that 5 otherwise 6 provided that 4 1 unless I get home 2 even if he doesn’t 3 long as it’s not/it isn’t 4 could/would/might have gone 5 provided (that) we don’t 6 depending on whether there’s/there is
Use of English focus p.101 1 1 3 6 8
present/current 2 actual current 4 usual 5 typical common 7 individual particular 9 unique
2 1C2D3D4C5B6C7D8A 3-4 Students’ own answers
8 1G2B3A4F5C 9 Suggested answers: A I’ll always support her in whatever way I can and she’d do the same for me B we fight like brothers … about all sorts of things C he loves being the centre of attention whereas I’m quite shy F we have the same taste G I’d like us to spend more time together 10 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.100 1 1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 2 1 Unless 2 Otherwise 3 even if 4 Provided that 5 whether
Reading focus p.102 1 Students’ own answers 2 (paraphrases in text in brackets) 1 C (stating the obvious) 2D 3 D (might say something they’ll regret) 4 A (a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently rather than being a social activity) 5 C (get rid of the social awkwardness that comes with trying to make a friend out of someone you don’t know at all) 6 A (people are people whether online or not) 3 Students’ own answers
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4 1 like 2 quick 3 strong 4 level 5 old 6 kind
5 1 What I used to love doing was going to theme parks.
5 Students’ own answers
2 What must be difficult is staying at home all day with a baby.
Grammar focus p.104
3 What is interesting is that men often take up sport as a way of making friends.
1 A claiming (active) B disapproving (active) C driven (passive) 2 A and B: pronouns are missed out (which/who). Present simple → present participle. C: the auxiliary be is missed out.
3 1 they add emphasis 2 set eyes on; struggling; rushed, grabbed, mass 3 (examples) straightaway, fascinated by, strange, fall out, ridiculous, talked
4 1C2A3D4B 5 They have a lot of things in common. 6 1 going 2 saying 3 talking 4 becoming 5 amazing 6 hating 7 having 8 contented
4 Students’ own answers 5
7 Students’ own answers
Sample answer My closest friend
Speaking focus p.105 1 1 childhood 2 teenage years 3 college/university 4 motherhood 5 retirement 2 1 shall 2 could, with 3 Don’t 4 Actually 5 Go on 6 just going 7 agree with 8 Do you think … too 3 A 1, 2 B 4, 6 C 3, 5, 7, 8 4 1 Friends are really important to young kids. 2 You need to have friends to go out with at that age./At that age, you need to have friends to go out with.
Writing focus p.106 1-2 Students’ own answers
3 1 bursting 2 developed 3 playing 4 cut 5 painted 6 speaking 7 designing
4 What people need is friends for every stage of their life.
When I first met Natalie, I didn’t think we would get on, but she turned out to be one of my closest friends at college. The first thing I noticed about her was her hair. It is bright red and she has pale skin, so her appearance is very striking. The next thing I noticed was that she talked extremely fast. We had all just arrived at our hall of residence and no one knew anyone else. A lot of us were feeling shy and a little homesick. She was rushing around, trying to organise some social event. I admired her energy, but I was a little afraid of her at first.
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Answer key 3 We were warned driving slowly because of the icy roads. to drive
Then one day, she knocked on my door when I wasn’t feeling well. She made me a hot drink and we chatted for ages. It was such fun to talk to someone who looks at life in a completely different way. I think we get on because we are not at all alike. It is a friendship that has lasted to this day. She’s always the first person I talk to if I have a problem or a decision to make and she always helps me to sort it out.
4 I’m sure he’ll phone as soon as he’ll get there. he gets 5 I ordered a fish risotto, that was delicious. which 6 The boss wanted to know why was I resigning. I was 7 Next Sunday at midday, my daughter will get married. is getting/will be getting 8 I might go with him if I hadn’t been so busy at work. might have gone OR I might go with him if I hadn’t been so busy at work. am not
Progress test 2 p.107 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Even if Provided that whether otherwise As long as if
9 If we don’t make a decision soon, they will be selling all the tickets. will have sold
2 1B2A3D4B5A6C7B8D 3 1 That woman waving to us is one of my work colleagues. 2 That’s the path leading to the sea. 3 I saw your brother waiting for a train. 4 I found the money hidden under my bed. 5 I’m living in a flat owned by an old friend. 6 Shall we book the flight to Rome leaving at 6p.m. from Heathrow? 4 1 He must have gone to France because I saw him a few minutes ago. can’t 2 Tom has done so a lot of cycling that he is very fit. such GOLD FIRST NE
10 My father suggested her that she went to work for him. to her 11 Here’s the article I told you about, wrote by my sister. written 12 I asked them don’t speak in the library. not to speak 13 Louise may leave already, but I’ll check if you like. may have left 14 I’ll come, whether I have enough money. if 15 If I weren’t a teacher, I’ll want to be a doctor. I would want 5 1 lost 2 over 3 get 4 Job 5 competitive 6 out 7 script 8 growth 9 Applicants 10 on 11 flight 12 in order to 13 over 14 telling 15 tour 6 1B2A3D4D5B6A7B8C
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7 9 have 10 even 11 Unless 12 of 13 be 14 for 15 other 16 something 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
useless successfully training choice employment managers unpleasant complaints
9 25 providing (that) he isn’t/ he’s not 26 whether or not 27 such a lot of 28 apologised for breaking/ having broken her 29 suggested (that) we go/ suggested (that) we went/ suggested going/ suggested (that) we should go 30 warned us not to swim/ warned us against swimming
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Unit 11 • Living on the edge Reading focus p.110 1 Sample answers: Benefits: gain confidence/increase self-belief, make friends on the journey, have some amazing memories, easier to do physical adventures while young, have a break. Risks: safety, might distract young people from other commitments (career, family, etc.), often quite expensive. 2 Sample answers 1 risk-taker, unusual, inspirational, dedicated, adventurous, crazy 2 the support he gets from his family (para 1), the time he has spent in hard training (para 2), that Jordan didn’t appear to be very competitive as a child (para 6) 3 1D2G3A4C5B6F 4 Students’ own answers 5 1 dis-/im- 2 re- 3 pre4 hyper-/over- 5 tri- 6 inter-
Answer key 2 A If Paul hadn’t been an extreme athlete, Jordan might not have climbed Everest. B If Paul weren’t an extreme athlete, Jordan might not have climbed Everest. 3 A Paul might still be cycle racing if he hadn’t had the knee disorder. B Paul might have raced cycles if he hadn’t had the knee disorder. 2 1A2B3A 3 1A2B3A 4 1 had seen 2 wouldn’t feel/be feeling/have felt 3 ’d spoken/spoke/could speak 4 wouldn’t be 5 had spoken/could have spoken 6 enjoyed 7 might earn/might be earning 8 would play/would be playing/ ight play 5 1 If my car wasn’t/weren’t so old, it wouldn’t have broken down. 2 If I hadn’t spent so much money in the sales, I wouldn’t be broke. 3 If I hadn’t taken him to that Liverpool match, he wouldn’t play/be playing football all the time.
6 Students’ own answers
4 If my aunt didn’t live in Moscow, I wouldn’t have learnt Russian.
Grammar focus p.112
5 I wouldn’t know so many people if Paula hadn’t introduced me to them.
1 1 A If Paul hadn’t had a bone disease, he wouldn’t be so driven. B If Paul hadn’t had a bone disease, he wouldn’t have been so driven.
6 If I could get/could have got/had been able to get a job at home, I wouldn’t have gone to live abroad. 6 Students’ own answers
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Answer key 3 Andrew thinks risk-taking is a good thing.
Use of English focus p.113 1 1 adjective 2 noun 3 noun
4 1 freedom 2 mud 3 (safety) equipment 4 fighting 5 horseriding 6 alive 7 age 8 energy 9 business 10 driving
2 educate → education → educative/ educated/ educational terrify → terror → terrifying
5 Students’ own answers
strengthen → strength → strong criticise → critic → critical endanger → danger → dangerous 3 adjectives (verb forms in brackets): dry (dry) frozen (freeze) hot (heat) just (justify) low (lower) modern (modernise) separate (separate) sure (ensure) nouns (verb forms in brackets): blood (bleed) cheat (cheat) experience (experience) length (lengthen) memory (memorise) threat (threaten)
Vocabulary focus p.115 1 1 involved 2 timid 3 determined 4 keen 2 Students’ own answers 3 1 about 2 on 3 to 4 in 5 from 6 with 7 on 8 to 9 on 10 on 4 1 put off 2 back off 3 called off 4 told off 5 see us off 6 gone off 7 wore off 8 cut of 5 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.116 1 C
4 It was a walk to the North Pole.
2 1 yes, yes 2 yes, no 3 yes, no 4 yes, yes
5 1 3 5 7
3 1D2C3B4A
determination 2 ensure safety 4 intention inexperienced 6 successfully supportive 8 engineering
6 Students’ own answers
4 Students’ own answers 5 1 are thinking about not going 2 had 3 I don’t want you to 4 Let’s have
Listening focus p.114
6 1 went 2 had given 3 didn’t take 4 realised
1 Students’ own answers
7 Students’ own answers
2 Sports: breathtaking, demanding, exciting, exhausting, terrifying, worthwhile People: adventurous, brave, determined, irresponsible, skilful GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition Writing focus p.118 1–2 Students’ own answers 3 1B2A3D4C 4 the cast, music, director, story, cinematography, location 5 (examples) 1 stunning, disappointing, convincing, entertaining, impressive, exciting, outstanding 2 impressive, outstanding 3 stunning, disappointing, complicated, entertaining, impressive, frightening, exciting
Answer key of the jewellery herself, so it is not something you will find anywhere else. Some of the jewellery can be quite expensive, although it’s well worth the money, but most of the other gifts are not expensive. Perhaps the nicest thing about the shop, though, is Katy herself. She is very friendly and enthusiastic. I would suggest you go there just to meet her. She doesn’t mind how long you spend looking around, and she doesn’t try to sell you something you don’t want. Sometimes I just go in for a chat.
4 fast-paced, disappointing, confusing, complicated, entertaining, exciting
7 Students’ own answers
5 fast-paced, witty, entertaining
Review p.119
6 Sample answer Katy’s Corner Katy’s Corner is a small corner shop at the end of our local high street. When I go out to do my shopping on a Saturday morning, I always make time to go in and look around. It is a gift shop run by Katy, a woman in her 60s. The shop has a lovely atmosphere. It smells of fresh flowers and there is soft music playing. The walls are covered with colourful pictures and cards. It is very welcoming. If I am looking for a present, I am sure to find something suitable. There is something for everyone. There are toys for children of all ages, as well as scarves, jewellery and all kinds of gifts. Katy makes a lot GOLD FIRST NE
1 1 wishes she had learnt 2 would rather you wore 3 it’s time you went 4 felt as though they 5 train wasn’t/train hadn’t been 6 wouldn’t have been 2 1 from 2 in 3 in/at 4 on 5 on 6 off 7 for 8 of 9 on 10 to 11 with 12 from 3 1 irresponsible 2 terrifying 3 memorable 4 critical 5 success 6 strength
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Answer key
Unit 12 • Crime scene Speaking focus p.123
Listening and vocabulary focus p.120
1 Students’ own answers
1–3 Students’ own answers
2 1C2D3E4B5A
4 Students’ own answers
3–5 Students’ own answers
5 1 reality tourism 2 school 3 photo/photograph 4 (black) tea 5 silent 6 service 7 Tarceny 8 beds 9 staff 10 49–69 euros
6–7 Students’ own answers
Reading focus p.124
6 Students’ own answers
1 Students’ own answers
7 1 arrest 2 witness 3 suspect 4 sentence 5 suspect 6 witness 7 fine 8 arrest 9 fine 10 sentence
2 1C2C3D4C5B6B 4 1 follow through 2 spin 3 stalk 4 cling to 5 intervene 6 bully 7 brandish 8 set aside
8 1 yes 2 in some cases the stress is different: ,suspect (n) sus,pect (v), ,convict (n) con,vict (v)
5 Students’ own answers
3 fine is also an adjective; sentence is also a noun (a group of words); arrest can mean stop; suspect can mean think (e.g. I suspect you’re right). 9 Students’ own answers 10 1 reach 2 follows/followed 3 caught 4 catch 5 reaching 6 following
Grammar focus p.122 1 1b2a3c4c5c6a 2 1B2C3D4C5A6E 3 1 don’t have to 2 mustn’t 3 had to 4 have to 4 1 needn’t have 2 aren’t allowed to open 3 mustn’t talk 4 don’t have to 5 has to collect 6 he need to get
3 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.126 1 1 had some computers stolen 2 got the rooms fingerprinted 2 have or get + object + past participle of the verb 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
have just had it painted get it looked at have it cut get your eyes tested got a friend to make it had it taken
4 √ report the crime to the police, buy a guard dog, stop their credit cards, clean the house, find their insurance policy X change their locks, repair broken windows, install an alarm
5 Students’ own answers GOLD FIRST NE
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Gold First New Edition Use of English focus p.127 1 1 going on 2 go on/go ahead 3 gone off 4 gone down/gone off 5 went off 6 went off 7 went off 8 went over 2 Students’ own answers 3 People want to visit the places connected with famous fictional crimes. 4 1 be 2 like 3 over 4 so 5 for 6 most 7 by 8 the 5 Students’ own answers
Writing focus p.128 1 1 yes 2 Yes. I dropped my laptop in the canteen and broke it. This is irrelevant because it’s not related to the main point. But another solution would be to prevent students from bringing valuables into the canteen. This is irrelevant because it is adding extra information which does not answer the question. 3 yes 2 2 to spend 3 spends 4 is spent, should be spent, be spent 3 1 suggest/ advise 2 suggestion/advice 3 suggest 4 advised/suggested 4 Students’ own answers 5 Sample answer The purpose of this report is to recommend the best way of dealing with the problem of mobile phone thefts in the college. It has been suggested that students should be banned from bringing their mobile phones into college. GOLD FIRST NE
Answer key Advantages There are several advantages to banning mobile phones from college. A ban would: • cut the number of thefts. • solve the problem of students losing their phones. • reduce the amount of distraction in class when students are often checking their phones rather than listening to the teacher. Disadvantages There are also significant disadvantages to a ban. It would: • be very difficult to enforce a ban as phones are small and easily hidden. • prevent useful communication between students and their teachers, who often use text messages to inform their students about changes to class venues or timetables as well as homework. Recommendations Mobile phones have become a very important form of communication, not only between students, but also between students and teachers. It would cause more problems than it would solve to try to ban them from college. I would recommend instead putting up notices around the college to warn students about the danger of theft and advising them to take care of their valuables.
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Answer key
Review p.129 1 1A2B3C4D5C6A 2 1 needn’t have gone/didn’t need to go 2 weren’t allowed to 3 you mustn’t/can’t/don’t speak without 4 get Harry to check 5 have a newspaper delivered 6 have my wedding dress made 3 1 3 5 7
theft 2 description suspiciously 4 lawyer convictions 6 decision guilty 8 criminal
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Answer key
Unit 13 • Who are you again? 3 Sample answers
Reading focus p.130 1 Students’ own answers 2 1C2B3A4D5B6A7C 8 D 9 B 10 C 3 Students’ own answers 4 1A2C3D4G5F6E7H8B 5 Students’ own answers
Grammar focus p.132 1 a) B is a ‘super-recogniser’ b) A is 'face-blind' 2 A 5, 6 B 7 C 3, 4 D 2 E 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
were able to could/were able to be able to could have caught ’ve been unable to to be able to
A Did you mean …? You wanted me to …? B What I’m trying to say is …; To put it another way …; I guess I mean … C Something they have in common is that …; One similarity is that … D The first photo is of …, whereas the second …; I think the biggest difference is that … E He/she could be …; It looks like …; I’d say … F It’s a sort of …; I think it’s something for … 4–7 Students’ own answers
Vocabulary focus p.134
4 1 wasn’t able/was unable to finish 2 could play football better/ played football better than 3 succeed in running 4 could have taken 5 was able to cook 5 Students’ own answers
1 1A2B3B4A5B6A7B8A 2 Suggested answers 1 I’m in two minds whether to … 2 My mind went blank./It slipped my mind. 3 put my mind at rest/take my mind off …
Speaking focus p.133
4 I need to take my mind off …
1 Students’ own answers 2 1C2B3A4F5E6D
3 1 store 2 recall 3 reflected 4 reminded 4 1 believe 2 judge 3 considering 4 thinking 5 believed/thought 6 consider 7 judge 8 thinking 5 1: 1, 4, 7, 8 2: 2, 6, 7
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Gold First New Edition Use of English focus p.135 1 C 2 1A2D3A4B5D6B7C8B
Answer key 3 A I went there – not another person B No one came with me.
3–4 Students’ own answers
2 1 himself 2 ourselves 3 him 4 myself 5 (-) 6 me 7 herself 8 him
Listening focus p.136
3 1 The president of the bank himself apologised for losing my money.
1 1C2B3B4C5A6C7C8B Key words: 1 woman, difficult, learning Chinese 2 say about them 3 travelling alone, disadvantage 4 he thinking of doing … leaves university
2 I (myself ) never have a problem remembering numbers (myself ). 3 Even Einstein himself occasionally made mistakes with numbers. 4 I think you should tell him yourself. 4–5 Students’ own answers
5 woman, leaving a message 6 why woman doesn’t enjoy parties 7 woman, how feel about problem 8 why like photo 3 1A2C3D4B 4 Students’ own answers
Writing focus p.138 1 Students’ own answers 2 1 owe 2 can’t, forgetting 3 extremely 4 must 5 give 6 avoided 7 out of 8 up to 9 fault 10 won’t 11 terribly 12 cause 3 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Grammar focus p.137 1 1 A Florence told Florence (reflexive) B Florence told another woman C Florence told another woman, and this was unusual (herself is used for emphasis) 2 A They both took responsibility for losing the photos. B Suzy blamed Sam, and Sam blamed Suzy.
4 1 not my responsibility – wasn’t up to me (8); impossible to avoid – can’t get out of (7) 2 informal writing 5 awfully, deeply, enormously, extremely, incredibly, terribly 6 Students’ own answers 7 Sample answer Hi Sam, I’m extremely sorry to say that there is a problem with looking after Bonzo in August. © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd
Gold First New Edition Unfortunately, those are the dates that my uncle is coming over from Australia and staying with us. I’m afraid that we’re all going to visit my grandmother for a few days for a big family reunion. When we made the arrangement about Bonzo, I thought my uncle was coming over in September. I’ve just found out that he has changed his plans, and now it won’t be possible to get out of the family reunion. I hope that it won’t be too difficult for you to find someone else to look after Bonzo, he is such a lovely dog. I could ask some friends if they would be able to look after him, if you like. Would he be happy in a house where there are other dogs? Let me know what you think. I hope this doesn’t cause you too much inconvenience.
Answer key
Review p.139 1 1 couldn’t 2 able 3 able 4 unable 5 could 6 know 7 ability 8 managed 9 unable 10 couldn’t 2 1A2B3B4B5C6B7A8C 3 1 did/had done it (by) themselves 2 blamed herself for (causing) the 3 reminds herself of/about 4 apologised for being 5 is/was thinking of becoming 6 considers himself (to be)
Hope to see you soon, Love, Sally
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Unit 14 • Say what you mean
Answer key
Grammar focus p.142 1 1 It 2 There 3 There 4 It 5 It 6 It 2 1 It is 2 It is 3 There 4 There is
Listening and vocabulary focus p.140 1 Students’ own answers
3 Suggested answers: 1 Argentina 2 Saudi Arabia 3 China 4 Japan
2 1 that they don’t care/don’t know 2 surprise 3 agreement/disagreement (In some cultures e.g. India, nodding your head from side to side means ‘no’. It can express frustration, too.) 4 show that they are hoping for good luck 5 impatience or annoyance
4 Students’ own answers
3 Students’ own answers
1 In Part 1, candidates would be expected to answer personal questions.
4 Speaker 1 H Speaker 2 B Speaker 3 A Speaker 4 G Speaker 5 C
5 1 2 3 4 5 6
it was great to see/seeing there’s going to be it’s/was wonderful (that) there used to be there was no need it might be
Speaking focus p.143
2–4 Students’ own answers
5 Student’s own answers
5 1, 2, 4, 7
6 1 speak 2 says 3 tell 4 say 5 say 6 talking
6 Students’ own answers
7 tell: the difference, a joke, lies, (someone) a secret, a story, the truth talk: rubbish, sense, to yourself
Reading focus p.144 1 Students’ own answers 2 1F2A3G4D5E6C 3 Students’ own answers
8 1 saying D 2 speak F 3 say C 4 say E 5 speaking B 6 speaks A
4 Students’ own answers
9 1 yelled 2 whisper 3 mutters 4 mumble
6 Students’ own answers
5 1F2E3B4A5C6G7D8H
10 Students’ own answers
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Answer key
Grammar focus p.146
Writing focus p.148
1 1 bothers 2 are 3 think 4 gets 5 seems 6 is 7 is
1 1 3 5 7
2 1 C 2 F 3 G 4 E 5 B 6 A and D 7D 3 1 have 2 it 3 is 4 understand 5 has 6 knows 7 has 8 are 4 1 are 2 have 3 seems 4 prefer 5 have 6 is 7 has 8 is 5 Students’ own answers
definitely 2 A government necessary 4 D friends dependent 6 A surprising answer 8 D receive
2 Students’ own answers. 3 1 extremely 2 arrangements 3 believe 4 because 5 hurtful 6 suffering 7 technology 8 beneficial 4 Students’ own answers 5 Sample answer
Use of English focus p.147 1 1 Kanzi is an ape that can understand some human language. 2 Some think animals can’t speak because they haven’t enough tongue control; others believe it is because they haven’t got the necessary gene. 3 The species which can copy sound because they might be able to tell us more about how human language developed. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
is from While/Whilst/Although in each such of into
3 answers 0, 1 4 Students’ own answers
Dogs are the most useful animals to humans. Do you agree? There is no doubt that dogs are extremely useful animals for humans. They can serve as guard dogs to protect people and their property. They bark if a stranger approaches, and if they see that their owner is in danger, they will rush to defend them. In many ways, this is better than having an alarm. Dogs are also used by the police. They have a strong sense of smell and can help find illegal drugs, for example. They are also involved in finding people who are missing or rescuing people from danger. These dogs need very special training. Some dogs work to support people who are blind or deaf. They act as their eyes and ears. Guide dogs can make a huge difference to the lives of their owners, allowing them to live more independent lives.
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Gold First New Edition These are only a few examples of the different ways that dogs help humans. Over the years dogs have developed a very special relationship with humans. As well as working for humans they are also good companions. For all these reasons, I agree that dogs are the most useful animals.
Progress test 3 p.149 1 1 There 2 are 3 There 4 are 5 has 6 likes 7 have 8 is 9 it 10 There 2 1B2A3C4C5A6B7B8C 3 1 over/through 2 off 3 in 4 off 5 on 6 in 7 of/in 8 through 9 over/in 10 off 11 into 12 ahead/through/on 13 down 14 in 15 of 4 1 If Sarah had listened to her parents she will never have become a world champion. (would) 2 If my father doesn’t speak Russian, he wouldn’t have got the job in Moscow. (didn’t speak/hadn’t spoken) 3 If I had saved more money I would been able to go on holiday next month. (be) 4 If I were younger I work much harder. (would work/would be working) 5 If only that car doesn’t cost so much, I would buy it. (didn’t) 6 I wish my brother help me more with my homework. (would help/helped)
Answer key 7 Suppose we will not go to the party this evening. (didn’t) 8 I’d rather you come home before midnight. (came) 9 You aren’t allowed using Facebook in the college library. (to use) 10 It was a waste of time doing all that research. We needn’t to do it. (needn’t have done/didn’t need to do) 11 They have just have their car stolen. (had) 12 We’re getting a friend looked after our house while we’re away. (to look) 13 After trying several times we could finally get tickets for the show. (were finally able to get/finally got) 14 I need to remind me of my passwords. (myself ) 15 You shouldn’t blame myself for losing your wallet – it wasn’t my fault. (either me, my or yourself, your) 5 1C2D3B4A5B6C7A8A 6 9 few 10 until 11 which 12 as 13 used 14 his 15 had 16 on 7 17 impossible 18 competitors 19 successful 20 especially/ specially 21 visual 22 imagination 23 helpful 24 effective 8 25 aren’t allowed to 26 needn’t have called 27 would rather I didn’t 28 wishes he could/he were able to/he was able to 29 reminded him to text her 30 didn’t manage to/couldn’t manage to © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd